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Orianna Lightweaver

Cleric Of Sune Orianna Lightweaver (a.k.a. Whisp)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and well-muscled, built from battling with both a mace and shield in hand.

Facial Features

Two notable scars across her face. One is a claw mark, gained from an encounter with a bear during her pilgrimage.   The other is a scar across her left eye, gained from when a sword stroke nearly cleaved her eye from its socket during a bar brawl. Fortunately, she managed to dodge enough to save her eye, though the scar remains a constant reminder of her own mortality.

Identifying Characteristics

Her chalk-white horns that curl out from her forehead, alongside her tiefling heritage, are likely her most identifiable features.   However, her facial scars - gained from a battle with a bear - are also a feature of some note.

Physical quirks

Orianna has a tendency to be in constant motion, even when in meditation, and so it is not uncommon to see a restless leg bouncing or her fiddling with some aspect or another of her armour.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orianna was born a nameless child, placed on the stairs of the conclave of Sune, in a wicker basket containing naught but a blanket and herself.   She was taken in, inducted into the faith, and given a name when none could be found on her person - Orianna.   A life being raised in the sept was stifling, but ultimately fair better than most could expect in Faerun. The conclave had libraries bursting with knowledge, teachers to train the initiates in any skill they wished to pursue, and more than enough food to keep them healthy.   When she turned 10, she began to train in clerical magic, resonating with the domain of light most of all. It was then, after calling forth radiant light for the first time, that she chose her surname - Lightweaver.   Despite her fervent love for her Goddess, and passion for the church, Orianna struggled to truly believe in the scriptures she was taught, and thus her connection to her magic often wavered in her youth. Her difficulties did not go unnoticed by her peers, who nicknamed her "Whisp" since her light was so dim.   When she came of age, she was offered to either remain in the conclave as an academic, or to go on a pilgrimage to further the spread of Sune's gospel. She chose the latter, and has spent the past 3 years moving across Faerun, spreading her Goddess's light wherever she can.  


As a Cleric of Sune, she was encouraged to consider and explore her sexual identity - so long as it did not detract from her devotion to her Goddess - and has done so throughout the years. Conclusively, she found herself to be bisexual, though prefers to focus on her learning to any romantic or sexual persuits.


Due to her lengthy tutelage at the conclave, she is considered a very learned woman - with fluency in four languages, a solid grasp of mathematics, expertise in religious studies, and some knowledge of animal handling and rearing.


She is a Cleric of Sune. Typically, her duties - beyond training and basic education - included animal care and studying the scriptures of various dieties across the realm.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her greatest source of shame is her magical abilities. Despite being trained by the conclave for 23 years, her magic has not grown stronger than the average novice - which earned her the nickname "Whisp."   A desire to overcome this failing drove her to choose a pilgramage across the world when the option was offered.

Mental Trauma

While Orianna preaches and tries to believe in the word of Sune, her faith often wavers due to her own abandonment as a child. The knowledge that her parents abandoned her, without a word of their names or her own history/identity, constantly plagues her with self-doubt about her own ability to be loved. Oftentimes, she wonders if her lack of faith is the cause of her diminished magical abilities compared to her peers.   Additionally, she has accrued a few notable injuries during her brief pilgrimage to spread Sune's gospel, and each close encounter with death has left its mark on her psyche.

Lawful Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 9
Known Languages

Celestial, Common, Elvish, and Infernal.


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