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  Humans, half-elves, and dwarves make up a majority of the population, respectively. There are minority presences of dragonborn, tieflings, gnomes, halflings, and a small pocket of half-orcs.  


  Informally, Neverwinter is currently overseen by Lord Protector Dagault Neverember. Given his prominent role in the Lord's Alliance, the faction exists as an extension of the civil infrastructure of the city. The Lord's Alliance focuses primarily on external matters such as negotiations with the other civilizations of the Sword Coast, trade agreements with communities throughout the region, and threats Neverwinter faces from beyond its stone walls still under repair from the previous century.   During the absence of the Lord Protector in recent years, a new governing body emerged, that of the Neverwinter Council, headed by The First Speaker. These elected officials turned their attention to internal matters such as housing demands, ongoing repairs to the destruction ensuing from the eruption of Mt. Hotenow, and other administrative processes. The role of First Speaker, which leads to council and serves as an executive figurehead, is held by Second, the soul-infused construct forged during the conflict with two necromancers vying for control of Neverwinter. As he and his allies helped save the city, Second found himself in a position of influence and has sought to further improve Neverwinter for its citizens through deploying both logic and empathy towards his constituent's needs. Though not overtly heralded as a political celebrity by the masses in the same way as the confidant and performative Neverember, Second is generally well-favored and thought of respectfully by those who understand his bureaucratic and operational processes in a more nuanced manner.   With the recent return of Neverember and his claim to the role of Lord Protector via nobility and rank, there is an acute power struggle gradually brewing between the two disparate systems of governance. With their elected positions to consider, the council members were quite eager to welcome and recognize the return of Neverember, who quickly won over the hearts of the city with his promises of former heights reached under his lineage's rule. Likewise, Neverember tactfully set his goals on political matters not of the council's primary focus to not appear confrontational from the onset. It is no secret, however, that the rare meetings between Lord Protector and council growing increasingly tense and that drawn boundaries are warily tested by both sides in small strides. While it would not be entirely unprecedented for a dual-system style of government to function for a city the size of Neverwinter, neither side seems eager to combine their efforts or solidify negotiations of responsibilities.  


  While forces were depleted during the occuptation of Neverwinter by Anguin in former years, the Neverwinter Guard has gradually refreshed its forces and serves as the primary standing army and policing force of Neverwinter, though they are still likely too small to deter an invading force, were war to march on Neverwinter's walls. These forces are supplemented within the city walls by self-appointed members of New Neverwinter and Sons of Alagondar who frequently patrol in their own partioned territories to keep the peace.   The city also maintains its own navy, though this is quite diminished in recent years after being gutted by Frost Giant ships during the recent upheveal, leaving plenty of room to operate for pirate crews growing bolder just off the coast. Industry & Trade   As the city's moniker suggests, Neverwinter's greatest economic asset are the skilled craftsmen who call the city home. While most craft goods can be found somewhere in the city, Neverwinter is particularly famous for its precise water clocks and myriad of one-of-a-kind lamps and other homegood fixtures.   The city's recent rejuventation has led to a boom of startup businesses without the structure of guilds and unions, such as in Waterdeep. Trade with the dwarven mines and forges of Gauntlygrym to the northeast have also increased, making tools and raw materials more readily available as well. As such, many unclaimed buildings transform into new storefronts or offices seemingly overnight. There's also no shortage of apprenticeship or hiring opportunities as newcomers and lifelong Neveren alike take advantage of the resurgence.  


  Following the rebuilding efforts following the Ruining, the city is split into three major sections:
  • Bluelake District makes up the northwest portion of Neverwinter
  • Tower District constitutes the northeast section of the city
  • Protector's Enclave makes up the southerwest portion of the city
While the Chasm has been filled, the southeastern sector of Neverwinter remains mostly undeveloped, though buildings and land is quickly being claimed and rebuilding efforts continue, although haphazardly.  

Guilds and Factions


Political Factions

  New Neverwinter   Lord's Alliance   Sons of Alagondar  

Other Factions

  Thieves Guild   Zhentarim   Dead Rats   Cult of Asmodeous  


  Built atop the ruins of the elven city of Illefarn, Neverwinter, then known as Eigersstor, was the first multi-racial settlement of the Savage North. Though faced with myriad threats of orcish invasion and barbarian raids across the years, Neverwinter grew steadily as a center of civilization and peace from its founding in the second century Dalereckoning until 1372 DR when the disease known as Wailing Death ran rampant throughout the city. This scourge started a string of diasters that befell the city, including the Spellplague of 1385 and the eruption of Mt. Hotenow in 1451, which devestated the city and claimed the remaining members of the royal family of Alagondar.   In the forty years since, the remaining Neveren have worked tirelessly to rebuild their beloved community of craftsmenship and return it to the former glory of a diverse metropolis and beacon of civilization amidst the dangers of the north.  

Points of interest



  Castle Never   In the western portion of the city, Castle Never rises as a singular fixture among the city's skyline. All three of the city's prominent bridges radiate from the castle, connecting it to the southern bank. Much of the castle is still damaged from the eruption of Mount Hotenow, particularly the dungeons and one of the still collapsed towers. The ground floor and most of the interior halls and cooridoors have been restored to functioning order, though they are less grandly decorated and not as well maintained than in centuries past. Restoration of Castle Never has become one of the top priorities of Dagault Neverember in recent months.   Neverwinter Docks   One of the prominent sources of trade and income for the city, the docks are also one of the seedier portions of the city, playing host to smugglers, pirates, and even more monstrous denizens at times. Though the docks have mostly been rebuilt under Dagault's efforts, remnants and reminders of their former disarray can still be seen.   Bridges  
  • The Dolphin
  • The Sleeping Dragon
  • The Winged Wyvern
  Never Death   The cemetary and mauseleums of the city. The main garden is filled with the remains of Neverwinter's more affluent families ancestors, while most are buried in the pauper's grounds.   Cloak Tower   The remains of the Cloak Tower stand along the Neverwinter River to the east. Formerly occupied by an incursion of orcs in the wake of Mt. Hotenow's eruption, the Cloak Tower now lies unoccupied and dilapidated. In centuries prior, the tower had served as a wizard's tower and place of arcane research. Remnants of the magical studies and orc-designed defensive ramparts can be found in the remaining ruins. Rumors suggest the tower has a number of dungeons beneath, perhaps as far as the Underdark.  

Taverns & Inns

  Beached Leviathan   Located in the Bluelake District, the Beached Leviathan is a three-tier inn and tavern built from the refurbished remnants of the pirate ship Leviathan. The bar caters to sailors, dock workers, and the smugglers and pirates which pass through Neverwinter's waters. Owner Harrag runs the tavern much like a ship, calling out to his crew with nautical terms as they quickly navigate the ship using hoists and platforms set up throughout the central hold.   Dancing Stallion   A favorite of traveling adventures, the Dancing Stallion has all the typical fares and features of a tavern and inn, including a performance stage, a full menu, simple and affordable rooms, and affable staff handpicked by the proprietor, Millie.   Driftwood Tavern   This high-end tavern of the Bluelake District also serves as a museum for artifacts from the history of Neverwinter. The curios on display include vintage doors used as tables, stained glass windows as chandeliers, and statues and paintings as decor throughout.   Fallen Tower   A former mage's tower, the tavern is famous for the unique magical manifestation that takes place. Each night at the same time - the moment of the original tower's destruction centuries ago - silent images of mages appear, some aflame while others are in the midst of strange transformations, fall through the ceiling and descend through a roped off portion of the tavern floor.   Moonstone Mask   Another tavern frequently by sailors, the Moonstone Mask is so named for the glowing, moonstone-trimmed masks worn by staff, who serve as friends and confidants of the Mask's clientelle. The Moonstone Mask is known for delicious food made to-order with a surprisingly wide menu, as well as for their comfortable accommodations. Some say the property is frequented by a ghost who seeks to soothe guests who find themselves emotionally distraught. Others believe the owner of the three-story inn to hide anonymously among the masked staff members.  

Temples & Churches

  Hall of Justice   The temple to Tyr in Neverwinter, the Hall of Justice currently serves as one of the main seats of power as well, as Dagault Neverember currenlty holds office in the area available to the public. The temple itself overlooks the Sea of Swords on a cliff over the south bank of the Neverwinter River in the Protector's Enclave district. The church is a beautiful architectural focal point of the city's skyline, but is moderately decorated inside.   House of Knowledge   Dedicated to Oghma, the House of Knowledge serves as the Neverwinter Library as well as a temple to the god of knowledge. The first floor consists of the main chapel and primary library, both of which are open to the public. The second floor includes administrative and personal facilities for the temple staff, while the basement is filled with restricted tomes.   Allfaith Shrines   Though a multitude of faiths are represented in the grand temple available to all faiths, it is the church of Gond that maintains the largest presence with multiple craftsmen tables and an altar on which followers can present their creations before the community.  

Stores & Businesses

  Dannar’s Mechanical Marvels   Dannar produces gnomish and dwarven clockwork trinkets and wonders. One of the most popular crafts is a wind-up clockwork dragon, although they offer a wide variety of other items as well such as self-striking flint boxes, animated adornments, and other curiosities.   Jaesor’s Fineware   A porcelain workshop next door to Dannar's Mechanical Marvels, the store offers handcrafted and custom painted dining sets. It is a mark of wealth among the Neverwinter community to commission painted plates featuring a family crest or a set featuring the family's likeness.   Manycoins Moneylending   Run by a pair of brothers, Manycoins has surged in popularity along with the bustling business and entrepreneurial efforts in the city. The moneylending services often come with quite high interest fees for out-of-towners, but are much more reasonable for established members of the community.   Mercato's Maps   Known across the Sword Coast for their kiosks and actor portrayals of the famed Mercato, this brick and mortar location is their most prominent storefront. Even among the numerous book stores scattered in the blocks surrounding the House of Knowledge, Mercato's is one of the most popular and renowned. While their maps and tours of the city are their primary offering, the store makes available a wide array of scrolls, cartography tools, and other services such as scribing and bookbinding.   Shining Knight Arms & Armor   Down the main thoroughfare from the House of Knowledge, this set of craftsmen focus on custom-fit armor and high-quality gear for adventuring. Operated by Feldon Strongbeard following the retirement of Arin.   Tarmalune Trade House   An auction house operated by merchants from distant shores. The entire auctionhouse exchanges goods and services with their own currency of imprinted silver bars that can be purchased upon entry.   The Mute Lute   Across the street from Jaesor's, this shop offers the highest quality musical instruments in the region. The store specializes in custom-made lutes that sell for 30,000gp while off-the-shelf productions cost closer to 900gp on average. The structure itself is built around a massive oak tree which serves as home to a friendly dryad. The owner and craftsman, Rebeth Lereeryn, is a minor local celebrity among the craftsmen communities.  


  As a historied city of craftsmen, the architecture of Neverwinter is as varied and diverse as to be found in the Sword Coast. While much of the city remains in disarray from the Ruin of 1451, it is still easy to discover a wide variety of styles and building techniques in each district of the city. This trend has continued as builders renovate and rebuild the city and seek to show up one another in their creative efforts.  


  Neverwinter rests along the northern Sword Coast in the shape of an eye, split into northern and southern portions by the Neverwinter River. The City is connected to the many merchants of Waterdeep by the High Road and the trading hub of Triboar by the Triboar Trail.   Natural Resources   Beyond logging the Neverwinter Woods and cattle kept in the small farming communities beyond Neverwinter proper, the coastal city does not produce many of its own natural resources, instead creating ample opportunity for trade with neighbors such as Triboar, Phandalin, and other members of the Lords Alliance.

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