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Sword Coast NPCs

The WIP master list of all NPCs for searching purposes. Meta-knowledge included for organization. Characters beware as such.  

By Location


Bargewright Inn


Daren Fieldwell

Humale Male. Bartender of the Old Bargewright. One of the few who survived the vampiric onslaught of Nalaskur and now seeks to rebuild the city, but is facing a number of logistic challenges.


To Do: Copy document.  

Kelson Darktreater

Elf Male. Fletcher who sells arrows of an arcane nature, but charges a premium for his handcrafted and custom enchanged efforts.



Amos & Ardos

Twin red tiefling sorcerers with horns curling in opposite directions. Ardos is the older and taller of the brothers, with dark long hair and deep red eyes. Amos shares similar but lighter features and a smaller stature than his brother. The brothers found themselves in debt to the Zhentarim after Ardos fell ill from ingesting a mysterious poison and unable to afford the expensive anti-toxin and were forced to balance the ledger by taking on missions for the organization. After the Heroes of Durindale thwarted the Zhentarim's plans in the Ardeep forest, the brothers decided to make an escape attempt, hoping to discover a way to save Ardos' life somewhere other than beneath the indentured servitude of the Zhentarim. The party eventually discovered the brothers on their way back towards Waterdeep. Recognizing the familiar fraternal bond between them and with greater understanding of their goals, Parathrax restored Ardos' health and cleansed the toxin from his body. The party then offered the twin tieflings a chance at a fresh start in Durindale, which the two readily accepted.  

Chalivon Dragoonmoor

Human Male. Emerald Enclave scout captured by Guh and subsequently freed by the party who brought her strongold crumbling to ruin in a flood. Served in Goldenfield before eventually heading west to Durindale and serving as a lieutenant to Greycastle.




Easily startled proprietor of Thokk Bottom, the tavern and centerpiece of the small farming town.  


Mayor of Halfreach. Relatively easy going, not looking for trouble. Always happy to help his friends and fellow community members within Halfreach.  


Daughter of Aaron. Manages the small stables in Halfreach. Once captured by members of The Feathered to be sacrificed in a ritual for opening a planar portal. Though she lost one eye and a portion of her arm in the process, Parathrax managed to rescue her and return her to Aaron in time for her life to be saved.

Icespire Vale


Stephen Hammersteel

Human Male. Captain of the Guard of Icespire Peak. Tall, light skin, dark hair cut short, jagged scar across his left temple (from orc blade). Third of his name, descended from a family of blacksmiths. In the Battle of Icespire Vale, the only battle to have been fought within the city walls in which orcs raided the village for supplies during a brutally cold winter, he managed to slay his fair share and defeat the Orc war chief. With the then captain of the guard lost in the fight, he was promoted to his current role at the age of 26. It's only been 10 years, but the decade has aged him twice that. He is battleworn, weary of politics and dealing with his absent minded mayor, but bears his duty nonetheless. His resources are spread thin, and as winter approaches, he has more concerns than solutions.  

Helena Hammersteel

Human Female. Short, light skin, dark hair with a few grey to her shoulders, bright blue eyes behind glasses. Sweet and motherly, helpful, gives advice without asking. General Store Manager  

Rufus Wainwrought

Human Male. Prolific author and White Dragon Fanatic. Wears robe of White scales, with hints of blue and grey mixed in. Stout, fit, but not particularly bulky. Wears thin rimmed glasses while reading or working. Rufus believes he is able to turn into a full-blood dragon, and is in love with Medolth, the white dragon. Will stop at nothing to deliver his gifts to her and believes her returning love will free him from his bastard state. Promises a just rule and competent leadership to those below him, his followers believe they will be put in a high place of power upon his rise to dragonhood and glory. Met a tragic end when approaching Medolth and was frozen into place.  

Baron Mirian Linwell

Human Male. Plump, with balding red hair and a red beard. Voracious appetite for all physical pleasures. Has been baron for years, comes from the wealthiest family in town. absent minded and a bit self absorbed.  


Young White Dragon. Feral blue eyes, sleek profile, spined crest. glimmering white scales.  

Ernald Icehair

Half-elf Male. Second in Command of the guard. Half-elf, white hair and fair complexion. Nomadic hunter in earlier life, now settled here to live amongst people. old, but not hindered by his age.  


Frost Giant Male. The Exiled Frost Giant. Incredibly strong, but lazy/unmotivated, exiled from his clan until he earns his way back. Light blue eyes, wispy blue hair under a horned helmet, 15 feet tall, 2,800 pounds.  


Halfling Female. Cheery Proprietor of the Laughting Yeti, the local and warm-spirited tavern. Human, rosy-cheeked and cheerful, kindhearted, generous, well-spirited. Organizes the Gifting ceremony every year and takes his role seriously and with great pride.  


Halfling Female. Barmaid. Originally from Neverwinter, but needed a break from the city, planning to return eventually. Never turns down a bet, loves gambling. Lives by her motto, "Don’t decide to do nothing just because you can only do a little."




One of the Rockseeker brothers, hired the adventurers to guard a caravan headed south to Phandalin. Now working with his brother in Wave Echo Cave.  


An associate of Gungren, went ahead with him to Phandalin to “take care of business” is looking for a wizard named Albrek. Currently the mayor of Phandalin working to rebuild the keep amidst the economic boom provided by the reopening of the Mines of Phandalin.  


The named leader of the Redbrands, defeated by the adventurers in the Redbrands hideout in Phandalin.  

Quelline Alderleaf

Half-elven maiden with rich auburn hair. Owns Alderleaf farm; associate and friend of Reidoth  


Druid member of the Emerald Enclave in Thundertree. Defeated in the battle against an undead dragon. Upon passing away, a small sapling grew from where his body fell and continues growing to this day.  


Absent noble of Phandalin, replaced by Sildar.  

The Black Spider

The shadowy drow figure taking credit for the misdeeds of the Cragmaw Tribe of goblins, defeated by the adventurers.


  To do: Add Triboar notes from SKT including mayor, merchants, and family of Taylor.



Derek Windfire

High Command in Waterdeep. A ruddy dwarf with a braided beard and curly locks of dark hair down to his shoulders. Commands a room with both his reputation and rhetoric, despite his stature amongst the mostly human population. A respected leader and an example for many.  

Elya Mati

Kelnelis Cratorin's assistant in The Prestige. Daughter of Dharya Mati, who serves an administrative role in the office of the Open Lord of Waterdeep. She often wears her light auburn hair in braids and has bright brown eyes with golden flecks in them. She loves magic and magic tricks, her favorite being "the disappearing dragon."  

Riven the Shield-Maker

An aging, but still strong armed craftsmen with greying and balding hair and sharp eyes. Proprietor of the Riven Shield Shop in the Trades Ward, where has currently forges and sells shields. These days, most of his wares are for decor or artistic purposes, so he has had to focus more on the form and less on function, much to his chagrin. He has a number of ideas for improving shields, but will requires materials and an enchanter to partner with to make any such projects a reality - not to mention freedom from the overbearing magical item legislation currently active in Waterdeep.  

Zelphar Qizorwyn

Emmyth's Father.  

Tyria Cratorin

Emmyth's Mother.  

Kelnelis Cratorin

Emmyth's Uncle and proprietor of the Prestiege, a shop of magical equipment and supplements in the Trade Ward of Waterdeep. An elderly half-elf never found without a fine tunic and his focal lens which he keeps around his neck on a silver chain when examining items closely. He walks with a polished darkwood cane with a clear glass polyhedral on top.  


Human Female. A former employee and resident of Hawkfall fired by Hawk's father. Thaust hid Margery temporarily in his tribe's village, but after enough time passed for her to once again slip into anonymity, she has returned to the City of Splendors in hopes of a fresh start.  

Marladar Virphine

Half-Elf Male. Retired adventurer, only survivor of a string of murderous assaults by a mysterious githzerai, Folio Halfrun.  

Jabie Raulnor

Gnome Male. Lead writer of the Blue Unicorn, a satirical Waterdeep broadsheet often written from Jabie's regular corner nook at the Golden Harp. Thorsten often said he was "as sharp-witted as he was short-legged" much to the gnome's begrudging enjoyment of that of an old friend.  


Halfing Female. Performs the flute frequently at the Golden Harp. Works in administration at the Fellowship of Bowers & Fletchers guildhall, called The Citadel of the Arrow, when she isn't at her favorite tavern.    


Half-Elf Female. Patron of the Golden Harp and baker who specializes in savory pastries with her own cart in the Market.    


  Clarence Halfing Male. Tavern cook who prepares deliciously cooked meats. Has a flare for the dramatics, introducing himself as "Smoker of Pigs" to adventurers who carry their own titles.

By Factions


The Harpers


Nevirra Mudjaw

A lovely and loud female dwarf. Sure of herself, knows how to survive. Messy auburn hair and large hazel eyes under her leather cloak. She wears leather armor and wields a crossbow with "give em the nine hells - V" inscribed on the side. Travels with a black dog named Onyx.

Endriel's Harps


Count Jermyn

28 year old human bard who performs up and down the Long Road gathering intel. The newest agent in your group. Entertaining, but equal parts overbearing at times. He is obviously not a count, but it’s part of his bit that satires the wealthy and aristocrats.  

Madlyn the Shield

35 year old human paladin who fights as a gladiator in Luskan and uses her prominent position in the fighter's ring to collect information for the harpers. Reliable and resilient, she is your most established contact.  


19 year old half-orc agent who rejects his half-noble blood in favor of joining the harpers with a specific focus on protecting the ostracized and the minority races of the sword coast. based in Waterdeep, but travels frequently in the southwest region.

Teleportation Circle Clerks


Thestryl Mellardin

A pale and seemingly frail arcanist who operates the Harper's teleportation circle in the City of the Dead in Waterdeep.  

Sandyse Thunderquill

Socially awkward young woman in charge of Neverwinter teleportation circle. Had to patch the hole Vorothruun placed in the roof. Studying to become an arcane mage.

The Feathered


Wingbearer Vinca

Second in command to Caltha and quite prideful. Spurned and angry about his position and to add insult to injury, his cloak has been stolen and he has been relegated to wearing no cloak at all. A thin and brooding figure, his sharp expressions and elongated face place his malcontent on full display. Wearing the same dark leather armor with additional embellishments of wings and claws stitched in, he seems out of place wearing no feathery cloak. He pushes long dark hair back out of his eyes and sneers in your direction.  

Brother Altissima

The cultist who interrogates Endriel Magkas when he first comes to consciousness in Espionage & Escape.  

Brother Iberis

A sickly, coughing member of the Feathered who is bullied by his cohorts before being killed by the party while on patrol and set up to look as though he has killed himself to hide their presence.  

Crimson Crow Veratrum

An elite assassin sent to kill Vorothruun upon discovering the last unknown gem.  

Wingbearer Caltha

Leader of the faction that had taken Parathraaj captive and partnered with the followers of Loviatar in the Lady's Hand Monastery. Following the defeat of Malus and revelation of his deceit, returns to Durindale to aid Vorothruun in his quest for truth and power. Advanced in age, the frail in form human woman before you would seem almost maternal, wrapped in a shawl of grey feathers if it weren’t for the dark tattoos of eldritch symbols running down her neck and underneath thinning whisks of graying hair. As such, she gives off a presence of confident wisdom and looks unperturbed by your interruption.

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