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Alex Hilltopple

Alex Hilltopple (a.k.a. The Rage)

Alex always wears a simple white shirt without sleeves for ease of movement. The shirt half ties to allow for flexibility in situations. Their pants are a sturdy brown leather with matching boots. The pants are well worn, but plenty of life left in them with knee patches to protect her knees. On her shield is a simple hill carved into the wood between taking care of customers at the stop. There is the beginning of a sun beginning to be carved, but is always half finished because it never looks right in Alex's eyes. I have a simple travelling cloak with a hood to match Craig while we travel.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alex always wears a simple white shirt without sleeves for ease of movement. The shirt half ties to allow for flexibility in situations. Their pants are a sturdy brown leather with matching boots. The pants are well worn, but plenty of life left in them with knee patches to protect her knees. On her shield is a simple hill carved into the wood between taking care of customers at the stop. There is the beginning of a sun beginning to be carved, but is always half finished because it never looks right in Alex's eyes. I have a simple travelling cloak with a hood to match Craig while we travel.   Family - Mother: Eran Hilltopple Father: Ander Hilltopple Twin brother - Craig Hilltop   My parents run a small potion/general shop in the city of Neverwinter called Top of the hill which my brother often helps with. Growing up I have always had a bit of a temper, but my brother always seems to know what to say to calm me down and bring me back to earth. I have always felt that I was the black sheep of the family despite Craig's reassurances that I am not, that our parents love us equally. At night Craig likes to fight in an underground fighting ring, I always go with him to watch his back and sometimes I fight to get my aggression out as well. Craig and I recently won a team tournament, the prize was two magical items. Recently I lost my temper stopping a local thief and caused more damage than I needed to in trying to apprehend the criminal and gain some sort of approval in my parent's eyes. It was a bull in a China shop situation. To pay for this damage Craig and I are heading to Phandalin to make some money.


Works at her family run small potion/general shop in the city of Neverwinter called Top of the Hill.

Failures & Embarrassments

In attempting to stop a thief at her parent's shop she caused more damage than was necessary. This resulted in costing more than it would have to let the thief get away.

Personality Characteristics


Alex is fairly clean, but her brash nature causes her hands to always have a faint hint of dirt, almost as if it is stained to her hands.


Family Ties

Family - Mother: Eran Hilltopple Father: Ander Hilltopple Twin brother - Craig Hilltop

Alex always wears a simple white shirt without sleeves for ease of movement. The shirt half ties to allow for flexibility in situations. Their pants are a sturdy brown leather with matching boots. The pants are well worn, but plenty of life left in them w

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Current Residence
Auburn brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
40 lbs
Related Reports
Known Languages
Common Halflings

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Bull in the China shop

It was a peaceful morning at the shop. I opened up like normal , dusted the counter tops, opened the windows, made sure the floors were swept and the sign hung just as mom taught me to do here. Mrs. Fletcher came in to pick up supplies for her garden that came in. I offered to walk her home because the were heavy but she brought the cart that day knowing how much she ordered. So I helped her load up her cart and she drove off. There were a few travelers as always, faces that come and go, none you really bother remembering because you probably won't see them again. Plenty of folk see themselves as adventurers these days. Not many make it out alive, always doing something dumb like yelling at a dragon, or stealing an owlbear's young. I've seen plenty come back without limbs, forced to find some other means of work with what remains of their lives. Sometimes I look out the window hoping to do something else instead of this, but I remember those that pass through here never to be seen of again. Mr. Genji came by to drop off the mushrooms he promised mom for her potion making. We don't carry anything fancy, it's hard to find ingredients to more of the harder potions, but what we do have is simple and easy enough for mom to make with her practiced hand. I wonder if Craig found us a fight for tonight. I rub my shoulder absent mindedly as I think about the night before. We fought another duo for the grand prize, I keep polishing my new lamp every chance I get. Everything else I have has a bit of dirt on it always, but this I want to keep clean. It proves that I'm not just a lug head, I can accomplish something. A new customer walks in, I don't recognize him. Must be another adventurer. I should greet him.   "Hello there! Welcome in. Can I help you find something."   "No, just looking around."   "Oh, we stock most of our stuff behind the counter here, all of the bigger stuff is labeled, it's mostly food and grain though."   "Oh, well, the innkeeper said that you carry potions, what do you have?"   Something is off here, they aren't making eye contact and their hood is up. I peak out the window out of the corner of my eye, it's still a beautiful day out there.   "Let's see, I think I only have a potion of healing and half a bottle of bolstering. I'm afraid some of it spilled the other day."   I offer him the potions on the counter but not far from my hands. I don't feel right about this one.


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