
Lady Luck

Tymora, or Lady Luck, is the goddess of luck and good fortune.

Divine Domains

Tymora resides over the domain of luck and she blesses her followers with good fortune. Clerics who worship her get their power from the Trickery domain.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tymora's symbol is a golden coin, one side of the coin bears an image of Lady Luck herself.

Tenets of Faith

Tymora looks kindly on those of good heart who take risks, and those who oppose followers of her sister, Beshaba, the chaotic evil goddess of accidents, bad luck, and curses. Aside from followers of her sister, however, she also abhors those who defile the dead or cheat fate, Lady Luck leaves the fate of these individuals up to a roll of her dice.

Followers of Tymora

The Tymoran Clergy has lacs much in the way of a robust hierarchy, though its temples are abundant. These temples vary greatly in attitude, size, and style, often serving as heavens for adventurers to rest and heal, because of this, these Tymoran temples are also rather profitable. Those who follow Lady Luck often rely on a mixture of luck and skill to achieve their goals. Sister Roland is an acolyte of Tymora.  
Sister Roland
Character | Mar 21, 2024
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity
Chaotic Good

Character Portrait image: Tymora symbol by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law