Council of Elders Organization in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Council of Elders

The Council of Elders was the government of the city of Everlund in the Silver Marches. It was a council of individuals in prominent positions charged with running the city. It was led by the First Elder, who was able to hold the position until challenged by another member.


First Elder

The Elder was chosen by the other elders to represent them.

High Priest of Corellon Larethian

The High Priest of Corellon Larethian was considered by most to be the leader of the elves in Everlund.

Keeper of the Bridges

Overseer of the City Guard.

High Captain

Commander of the army of Everlund.

High Sorcerer

The most powerful of the mages.

Master of Guilds

Represented the merchants of Everlund.

Speaker of the Town

Elected from the citizens of Everlund to represent the commonfolk.    

The Current Council

By the late 1480s or 1490s DR, the council was thus: 
  • High Captain Horix Zoar
  • Keeper of the Bridges Kythora Shen
  • High Sorcerer Vaeril Rhuidhen
  • Master of the Guilds Boldor Steelshield
  • Speaker of the Town Vatrice Stormwright


In the late 1480s or early 1490s, the Council of Elders voted 3-2 in favor of withdrawing Everlund from the Lords' Alliance. Public belief about the reasons for this decision varied, but many believed that it was either a show of support for Sundabar and its treatment during the War of the Silver Marches or an attempt by the Zoar family to gain influence in the city.
Geopolitical, City council
Controlled Territories


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