Amaunator - Piety System Page

God of Bureaucracy and the Noonday Sun

As the world must bask in the light of the sun, so must all mortalkind embrace civilisation.
  Amaunator is the god of bureaucracy and the noonday sun. Thought dead for long centuries, the sun god has returned to the world as an evolved aspect of the Dawn god Lathander. Amaunator concerns himself primarily with the day to day functions and deliberatives that allow society to function, leaving matters of law and justice to Tyr.  

Amaunator’s Champions 

Alignment: Always lawful
Suggested Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Monk
Suggested Cleric Domains: Life, Light
Suggested Backgrounds: Knight, Noble, Scholar

Champions of Amaunator are frequently officers, paper pushers or executors in the service of the public. Amaunator values highly those who contribute diligently and honestly to the ongoing workings of civil bureaus.  

Amaunator’s Favor

Amaunator is a stern and unforgiving god who bestows his favour on those who share his uncompromising dedication to law. Amaunator cares less for the abstract of justice and more for the letter of the law as written.

Amaunator’s scions tend to be utterly intractable in their application of the rules, and find it difficult to be flexible in their execution.

Why did Amaunator seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 You were born under the noonday sun.
2 Your parents were famous lawyers or civil servants
3 They say that you are the reincarnation of an old king
4 You were dedicated to a knightly order as a child
5 You built a great monument to the sun and sky
6 A flaming serpent tried to kill you as a baby

Devotion to Amaunator

Following Amaunator means dedicating yourself to law and order above any other concerns. As a follower of Amaunator, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.  
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Law. All must bow before the weight of the law
3 Civic Duty. My first responsibility is to my fellow citizens
4 Tradition. The ways of our forefathers must be respected
5 Pride. I must bring the light of my knowledge to others who lack it, whether they like it or not.
6 Immortality. As Amaunator cheated death, so shall I.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Amaunator when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Turning in a criminal to the law
  • Following a contract, even to your detriment
  • Establishing a fair agreement between opposed parties
Your piety score to Amaunator decreases if you diminish Amaunator’s influence in the world or contradict his ideals through acts such as these:
  • Deliberately breaking the law
  • Following the spirit rather than the letter of an agreement

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Amaunator

Piety 3+ Amaunator trait
You gain inspiration when you uphold the law even in the face of resistance.  

Understanding the Court

Piety 10+ Amaunator trait
You can sense the presence and location of bureaucrats within 100 feet of you who have the authority to help you achieve your goals in a legitimate fashion.  


Piety 25+ Amaunator trait
You can cast daylight with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

Chosen of Amaunator

Piety 50+ Amaunator trait
You may use an action to spend an inspiration die and surround yourself with a 20ft radius of bright light that cannot be dispelled and overrides all magical darkness. This light counts as True Sunlight.


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