Arvoreen - Piety System Page

Halfling God of Teamwork and Skill in Battle

Remember that time Old Polecruncher killed a gnoll with one swing of his walking stick? You don’t? Let me demonstrate.
  Arvoreen is the halfling god of teamwork and skill in battle. In a world of goliaths, Arvoreen represents a sling bullet to the eye, or a rope carefully tangled at just the right altitude. Speed, wit and co-ordination are enough to overcome any foe, and the tales of these conquests are passed down in halfling lore to serve younger generations.  

Arvoreen’s Champions

Alignment: Usually good
Suggested Classes: Rogue, Ranger, Monk
Suggested Cleric Domains: War
Suggested Backgrounds: Folk Hero

Champions of Arvoreen are frequently community leaders, war heroes and sheriffs. They usually take responsibility for protecting others by making sure everyone knows what their job is in a time of crisis.  

Arvoreen’s Favor

Arvoreen is a wise and watchful god who values practice, forethought, and tactics over brute strength. Unlike gods of war, he doesn’t choose champions for their feats of conquest or stories of legend, but for their reliability and compassion.

Arvoreen’s scions are often smart and perceptive, able to adapt their strategy to the villain at hand, and direct their comrades to just the right ploy in any given situation. Why did Arvoreen seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions
d6 Circumstance
1 Your home was attacked by an overwhelming enemy. Only your leadership averted a complete catastrophe.
2 You once took down a giant with a slingshot.
3 You defeated an undead horror with no weapons but your wits and a walking stick.
4 You know all the local legends of your heritage and by extension exactly what to do when danger comes calling.
5 You use a bizarre household item as a weapon or a shield after it saved your life
6 You once outran a ghost, inspiring the joke that you are “faster than life”

Devotion to Arvoreen

Following Arvoreen means dedicating yourself to the small guy over the big guy. As a follower of Arvoreen, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for.
2 Civic Duty. For all of us to be safe, everyone has to know their responsibilities.
3 Community. Where one of us perishes, we have all failed them.
4 Courage. Neither my size nor strength have any bearing on whether I stand up for what is right.
5 Hard Work. Keeping everyone safe means practice and training.
6 Knowledge. Our best source of security are the tales and legends of our forebears.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Arvoreen when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Drawing from a legend or folktale to defeat an enemy
  • Working as a team to take down a much stronger foe
Your piety score to Arvoreen decreases if you diminish Arvoreen’s influence in the world or contradict his ideals through acts such as these:
  • Putting your needs ahead of those around you
  • Using strength to bully someone weaker than you

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Arvoreen

Piety 3+ Arvoreen trait
You gain inspiration when direct your companions in a new battle tactic.  

Ploughshares to swords

Piety 10+ Arvoreen trait
You are proficient in improvised weapons. When you pick up an improvised weapon, it gains the Finesse property until you release it. The damage die for any improvised weapon you use is 1 size larger than it would usually be.  

Turtle Shell

Piety 25+ Arvoreen trait
Creatures within 5 feet of you bearing a shield or improvised shield (including yourself) gain +1 AC for each other creature bearing a shield or improvised shield.  

Troll knocker

Piety 50+ Arvoreen trait
When you strike a creature of a size larger than you with an improvised weapon and score a critical hit, you can spend an inspiration die to force that creature to make a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus or drop to 0 hit points.


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