Asmodeus - Piety System Page

God of Sin and Indulgence

Indulgence is there for those who beg for it...and those who are willing to pay.
  Asmodeus is the god of sin and indulgence, in addition to being the Archdevil who oversees the Nine Hells of Baator. Asmodeus acts as sanctuary for those who have angered other divine forces, and offers a second chance to those who worship him.  

Asmodeus’s Champions

Alignment: Usually lawful evil
Suggested Classes: Warlock
Suggested Cleric Domains: Knowledge, Order, Trickery
Suggested Backgrounds: Charlatan, Criminal, Folk Hero

Champions of Asmodeus are often those who have failed and been reborn from that failure into a new life. Asmodeus values tenacity and adaptability in his chosen.  

Asmodeus’ Favor

Asmodeus offers the tempting comfort of a new life to those who might have angered other gods. In his service, scions find new purpose (and are likely trapped in that service indefinitely).

Asmodeus’s scions frequently possess a mischievous or outright criminal streak, befitting their identity as outcasts and sinners.

Why did Asmodeus seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 You were traded away to the Nine Hells before you were born
2 You made a deal with Asmodeus
3 You fled from your previous divine patron and took shelter under the aegis of Asmodeus
4 One of your relatives was (or is) a devil
5 You’ve often used the Temple of Asmodeus as a sanctuary from the law, and he noticed
6 You owed Asmodeus a favour in a past life

Devotion to Asmodeus

Following Asmodeus means dedicating yourself to the service of the Lord of Hell above any other concerns. As a follower of Asmodeus, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for.
2 Knowledge. All the knowledge of the hells and beyond is at my fingertips. This is all that matters. (Lawful)
3 Enforcement. All will bow to me, and in doing so pay homage to Asmodeus. (Lawful)
4 Ruthlessness. Anyone who gets in my way will be dealt with. Permanently. (Evil)
5 Pride. One day, I will no longer have to bow to any god for power or protection. (Evil)
6 Duplicity. Asmodeus is a forgiving god, which is wonderful because I intend to double cross him as soon as I get the chance. (Evil)

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Asmodeus when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Converting a new follower to the embrace of Asmodeus
  • Furthering the goals of the Nine Hells
Your piety score to Asmodeus decreases if you diminish Asmodeus’s influence in the world or contradict his ideals through acts such as these:
  • Following the teachings of another god
  • Interfering with the plans of devils or their minions

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Asmodeus

Piety 3+ Asmodeus trait
You gain inspiration when you manoeuvre someone into your debt.  

Infernal indulgence

Piety 10+ Asmodeus trait
Choose an ally, familiar or summoned creature. That ally cannot be discerned by effects, abilities or traps that attempt to detect alignment  

The Devil you know

Piety 25+ Asmodeus trait
You can identify all Devils on sight, knowing their name, CR and resistances.  

Chosen of Asmodeus

Piety 50+ Asmodeus trait
You may enact a ten minute ritual to spend an inspiration die and cast infernal calling, waiving the material component.


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