Caerilcarn Organization in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


The Caerilcarn (meaning the Council of the Wood) was a loose association of elf leaders in the High Forest that sought to rebuild the lost empire of Eaerlann.


It was led by a wood elf named Morgwais.

Public Agenda

While it never claimed to represent the beliefs of all elves in the High Forest and the Silver Marches, its end goal was to revive the lost elven realm of Eaerlann. In practice, it provided a forum for elven leaders in the High Forest to discuss issues of mutual concern and pass along news. It worked to revive Eaerlanni settlements and protect those that still existed.


It was formed sometime before 1374 DR.

When orcs and daemonfey began to invade in 1374 DR, it was instrumental in evacuating wood elf villages in the path of the invaders, leading them to the Lost Peaks. There, with assistance from the Argent Legion, they were able to repel the attacks. At this point, the army of Evermeet began to occupy Myth Glaurach, putting them that much closer to their dream of a revived Eaerlann.
Alternative Names
Council of the Wood
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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