Corellon Larethian - Piety System Page

God-King of the Elves

Beauty, grace, skill. All these things I give to you, my children.
Corellon is the head of the elven gods, a force for chaos, beauty and magic. He is changeable as a summer storm, and a rapturous power of careless joy.

Corellon’s Champions (Elves)

Alignment: Often chaotic, usually good
Suggested Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard, Druid
Suggested Cleric Domains: Arcana, Life, Light, War
Suggested Backgrounds: Far Traveler, Charlatan

Champions of Corellon are mercurial and changeable people imbued with magic and an intense passion for life itself.  

Corellon’s Favor

Corellon’s favour is bestowed with his characteristic whimsy, but usually on those who possess great magical gifts, and who display a similar temperament to their progenitor.

Corellon’s scions are frequently difficult travel companions despite their best intentions, displaying irregular behaviour and an insatiable curiosity.

Why did Corellon seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 You remember all your past lives. It can be overwhelming at times.
2 You were born with great, nigh uncontrollable sorcerous power.
3 You once sought out Corellon in Arvandor, and joined with his essence for one glorious night.
4 You delved too deep into the mysteries of Wild Magic and were scarred by it, unlearning everything you knew in the process.
5 You spent much of your life wandering the world searching for meaning. You never found it.
6 You are one of the rare Drow to escape the clutches of Lolth and make it to the surface.

Devotion to Corellon

Following Corellon means dedicating yourself to magic and change above any other concerns. As a follower of Corellon, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Change. To refuse change is to let the light of Corellon fade from you. If you cannot grow, you are already dead.
3 Ascension. Once, all elves were beings of pure magic. I would be that way again.
4 Adaptability. I must be ready for any situation or problem.
5 Liberty. I shall never be beholden to another creature.
6 Passion. Every single thing in this world is a sensual ravishment.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Corellon when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Engaging in a significant act of spontaneous or wild magic
  • Being ruled by your passions in a matter of import
  • Changing your mind on a whim
Your piety score to Corellon decreases if you diminish Corellon’s influence in the world or contradict her ideals through acts such as these:
  • Allowing yourself to be bound to the will of others through debt, guilt or honour
  • The destruction of important magical artefacts or objects of power

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Corellon

Piety 3+ Corellon trait
You gain Inspiration when you follow your passions or change your mind concerning a noteworthy issue.  

Flexible Recipe

Piety 10+ Corellon trait
You can change the colour of your hair and eyes at-will, in addition to subtle alterations to your facial structure. This is treated as always having access to a Disguise Kit.  

Powerful Blood

Piety 25+ Corellon trait
You are immune to the Charmed condition, and you complete your Trance in two hours rather than four.  

Chosen of Corellon

Piety 50+ Corellon trait
You can spend an inspiration die to reach into the flows of chaotic magic and trigger a Wild Magic Surge.


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