Cult of Karsus Organization in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Cult of Karsus

The Cult of Karsus, also called the Church of Karsus, was a collection primarily of wizards and specialty priests called Heartbloods who worshiped Karsus, the Momentary God.


The Cult faded away before any kind of formal hierarchy could be established, with the only title or rank being the Heartbloods.  


Most cult members concerned themselves with the daily operations of Karse, primarily mining metal deposits from the Star Mounts.  


Ritual after ritual was performed with the hopes of resurrecting their god, most of which were inspired by dream visions of the Cult's leaders. Most of these rituals involved a synchronization with the beating heart statue of Karsus.  

Base of Operations

The most notable location for the Cult was the Shrine of the Undying Heart which stood atop the butte near Karse where Karsus' fell. The inhabitants of Karse in -298 DR formed the foundations of the Cult that lasted only for ten years. Followers within the Cult believed Karsus would somehow return and restore the power of Netheril.  


The Cult taught that the fall of civilization, specifically Netheril, was a prime example of human folly and pride and a result of the punishment of the gods. It was believed that Karsus would be reborn to deliver humanity into a new golden age tempered with the experience of the past.  


The Order of Thaumaturgists was composed of Cult members who performed spell research.
Religious, Cult
Controlled Territories


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