Darathra Shendrel Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Darathra Shendrel

Lord Protector

Darathra Shendrel was a human knight and the Lord Protector of Triboar in the Dessarin Valley, as well as a former adventurer and a member of the Harpers, in the late 15th century DR.

She was good-natured and had a reputation for fairness and sensible governance. Darathra believed that good people must be allowed to prosper free from tyranny and she was willing to give her life for the people of Triboar. She was resolute and never backed down, and pushed back when pressured. She was courageous in battle.

Physical Description

Special abilities

She was also a good winemaker, being known for the fine wines she produced.

Apparel & Accessories

She fought with greatsword and heavy crossbow and wore a breastplate. She rode an unarmored warhorse named Buster.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Darathra hailed from Waterdeep. She became an adventurer and a Harper agent.

She was later elected by people of Triboar to serve as the Lord Protector, and retired from adventuring.

Some time after 1485 DR, the fire giants Ildmane and Okssort launched a surprise assault on Triboar at highsun with a force of orogs, magmins, and axe beak–mounted orcs in an effort to retrieve a piece of the Vonindod, which they'd found buried beneath the caravan campgrounds. First, they had orcs attack ranches in the southeast as a distraction, so Darathra sent the Twelve away to investigate. Then the fire giants hurled boulders that damaged and destroyed carts and businesses, while their magmins set fire to buildings, and the orcs and orogs battled town defenders, causing most people to flee or hide. It was left up to Darathra, heroic townsfolk, and a band of adventurers to defend Triboar. In the aftermath, Darathra gave the adventurers a badge bearing the Triboar insignia and dispatched them to Dral Thelev in Everlund, who would teleport them to Moongleam Tower so they report to the Harpers on the fire giant incursion into the Dessarin Valley.
Lawful good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Protector
Ruled Locations


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