
Diancastra was a deity in the giant pantheon, the Ordning. She was a minor trickster goddess, unlike her older sisters Hiatea and Iallanis.


Diancastra was sometimes worshiped as a fertility goddess by non-evil giants seeking to be blessed with a child. Yet this her blessings often came at a cost, with children having the chance to born as one of "Diancastra's brood". Such giants were fey, wild, and generally naughty in nature.

Divine Domains


Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was fathered by Annam All-Father himself, but her mother is unknown, speculated to be a cloud or storm giant. Unlike her sister Hiatea, she did not earn her divinity through feats of strength, but rather by acts of wit and wile. She accomplished this by stealing a magical necklace from Blibdoolpoolp the Sea Mother, disguising herself as a kuo-toa and sneaking into the Sea Mother's palace.

After her theft from the Sea Mother, she soon announced herself to Annam right before his departure from Toril. Citing her sister as Hiatea as a reason why she should be given divine status as well, Annam issued her one task to prove it: to circle the earth in an hour or less, knowing she could not accomplish this task (lacking great powers and items). She went into Stronmaus's library, took one of his atlases, and tore out a page illustrating the world (much to Stronmaus' displeasure). She drew a circle around the world, and presented it towards the All-Father. In a fit of humour, Annam made her a demi-goddess, trusting her to leave some joy in the face of his departure through her acts.


Contacts & Relations

Divine Classification
Chaotic good


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