Dumathoin - Piety System Page

Dwarven God of Secrets Under the Mountain and All Things Hidden Beneath the Earth.

I keep secrets older than the wind, older than the seas, as ancient as the roots of the mountains. Many have tried to take them. All have failed.
    Dumathoin is the dwarf god of secrets under the mountain and all things hidden beneath the earth. He holds to his breast any dark or glimmering thing that someone covets and wishes to hide from others.  

Dumathoin’s Champions

Alignment: Usually neutral
Suggested Classes: Wizard, Druid, Monk
Suggested Cleric Domains: Death, Knowledge
Suggested Backgrounds: Archaeologist, Hermit

Champions of Dumathoin are wise and perceptive keepers of unknown lore, who can (and frequently do) take their secrets to the grave rather than give them up to an enemy.  

Dumathoin’s Favor

Dumathoin’s eye falls on people who are both inquisitive and reclusive, toeing that strange personality crossover that produces private investigators, weary archivists and laboratory scientists. He values discretion, and an iron will.

Dumathoin’s scions are usually close-lipped and secretive, preferring to keep everyone in the dark about their plans than risk their enemies finding out important information. They make taciturn allies, and inscrutable enemies.

Why did Dumathoin seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 You resisted interrogation from a species uniquely suited to it, such as mind flayers.
2 You were told a secret in your youth. You’ve kept it your whole life, and intend to die with it.
3 You buried something of critical cultural and magical importance deep under the earth.
4 You erased your own memory of your family so that no-one could use them against you.
5 You are on a quest for an item or book that Dumathoin has decided should come to light again.
6 You don’t know who your parents are, and your only known family died before they could tell you.

Devotion to Dumathoin

Following Dumathoin means dedicating yourself to buried secrets above any other concerns. As a follower of Dumathoin, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Mystery. Secrets are beautiful in their own right.
3 Stewardship. Hiding information can preserve it from destruction until the world is ready for it.
4 Power. Being the only person alive who knows something gives me a rush.
5 Scholarship. I want to uncover the long forgotten secrets of the past, all for my research.
6 Greater Good. Some things should be forgotten and never rediscovered.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Dumathoin when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Uncovering a buried truth, hidden item or lost secret, and being careful to whom to disclose it
  • Hiding something too dangerous to come to light
Your piety score to Dumathoin decreases if you diminish Dumathoin’s influence in the world or contradict his ideals through acts such as these:
  • Allowing dangerous discovered lore or items to fall into the wrong hands

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Dumathoin

Piety 3+ Dumathoin trait
You gain inspiration when you uncover something hidden or buried.  

Under the Mountain

Piety 10+ Dumathoin trait
Your mind cannot be read against your will.  

Buried Secrets

Piety 25+ Dumathoin trait
You can cast contact other plane with this trait, requiring no components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

Chosen of Dumathoin

Piety 50+ Dumathoin trait
You may use an action to spend an inspiration die and touch a stone wall. When you do so, you gain tremorsense out to 120 feet for 1 minute, or unti you stop touching the wall.


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