Duvessa Shane Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Duvessa Shane

Duvessa Shane was the speaker of Bryn Shander in 1485 DR and sometime after the War of the Silver Marches.  


Duvessa inherited her mother's talent for negotiation and her father's charm. Some people thought her temerity but she always obtained what she wanted She believed that people of Ten Towns can survive all kinds of storms. Duvessa did not give an inch in any argument or conflict.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Duvessa was the daughter of a Waterdhavian trader and a woman of Icewind Dale.

In time, she became the speaker of Bryn Shander and leader of the Ten Towns's council. In 1485 DR, with many threats to the dale arising, Duvessa met and befriended a trader from Waterdeep, Vaelish Gant, who soon became her unofficial political aide. On Eleint 23 of that year, an election was called for the position of speaker and Duvessa ran for reelection. What she did not know was that Vaelish was secretly a wizard from Arcane Brotherhood who plotted to replace her and had engineered some of the troubles in the dale. Vaelish's plan was to kidnap Duvessa on election day and afterward propose himself as a stronger leader. Vaelish would ultimately fail in his schemes, and would be imprisoned at Revel's End while Duvessa won her reelection.

Duvessa held the Bryn Shander speakership throughout Auril's Everlasting Rime from 1487 DR through 1489 DR. During this time, she suspected the involvement of the Arcane Brotherhood in Icewind Dale's unnatural weather, and was willing to offer clemency to Vaelish in exchange for information about their activities in the region. In the late 1480s or early 1490s DR she was at the council chamber when giants attacked her city.
Lawful good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Speaker of Bryn Shander
Year of Birth
1447 DR 44 Years old
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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