Great Dale Organization in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Great Dale

The Great Dale was a land in the Unapproachable East of northeast Faerûn.


The Great Dale was governed by a druidic hierarchy, under the rule of Nentyarch.

In 1491 DR the region is ruled by Lord Berold from a rebuilt Uthmere, alongside the Nentyarch.


The Great Dale was once part of the Narfell Empire and it was originally settled by human folk fleeing the fall of Jhaamdath. Later, the war between Narfell and Raumathar caused the abandonment of the area. In the 1370s DR, it was a frontier for the expanding tendencies of the kingdom of Impiltur.  

Modern History

With the turn of the century, the Great Dale continued to suffer the depredations of fiends infesting Rawlinswood, though now most dalesfolk took to calling it Dunswood for its association with the accursed Dun-Tharos.

In the Year of the Sceptered One (1404 DR), Lord Abraer Thellblade and his band of heroes traveled to Mettledale hoping to free it of its tyrannical wizard, Vosthor. Vosthor and his band of brigands survived the attack, killing Abraer and his companions. Vosthor took control of both Mettledale and Spearsmouth Dale.

In the Year of Staves Arcane (1415 DR), Vosthor, fearing death, made a pact with the Demon Lord Orcus. Vosthor retreated from public view, handing most affairs to his bugbear lieutenant, Skrikkt. The powerful bugbear soon formed alliances with the Shadowmasters of Telflamm and solidified his control of both Mettledale and Spersmouth Dale.

In the Year of the Silent Tear (1439 DR), demons overran Noonym’s Hold. All of the inhabitants were brutally slaughtered. Folks of the Great Dale now avoid the location for fear it is haunted.

In the Year of the Fallen Tower (1447 DR), the village of Solin threw back a large host of demons, possibly the same group that laid waste to Eastwatch earlier in the year. The town guards of Solin were thereafter known as the Dunwatch.

During the Year of Mages in Amber (1466 DR), Branimern Rythil defeated Kryonar the white wyrm dracolich on Mount Nar. Branimern was formerly a Red Wizard who had gathered a force of fiends and corrupted fey under her control. She looked to further her knowledge of demonbinding and envisioned ruling an empire in the image of ancient Narfell.

In the Year of the Second Circle (1470 DR), the ruling Nentyarch unexpectedly died. For the first time in hundreds of years, the druids of the First Ring elevated a wood elf to be the new Nentyarch.

In the Year of the Ageless One (1479 DR), a group of wood elves left the Circle of Leth, disappointed that the new elven Nentyarch would not agreed to their elf-centric demands. This group of elves joined forces with Eldreth Veluuthra, an elvish cult aimed at the removal of all humans from Faerûn.

During the Year of Awakened Sleepers (1484 DR), the Eldreth Veluuthra managed to bring Lossarwyn the Ice Lich from his confines in The Dire Wood using demon cysts found in the Great Dale. Lossarwyn began to instruct the Eldreth Veluuthra to search for all knowledge related to the Rotting Man from a century ago, in hopes of unleashing a plague upon the humans of Faerûn.

The waters of the Easting Reach rose following the incessant rains that ended in the Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls (1486 DR). In Uthmere, the waters are still below their pre-Spellplague depths, but deep enough that enterprising merchants in Impiltur see an opportunity to grow again the trade village.

The incessant rains caused the Dalestream to flood. Portions of Uthmere were washed away uncovering previously unknown passages beneath the city. Clerics from the temple of Tyr fought back waves of strange creatures that emerged from passages below. Once the flood waters subsided, the entrances to the underground are blocked, though the extent of the mysterious passages below Uthmere is still unknown.

The following year, the Year of Rune Lords Triumphant (1487 DR), saw the arrival of Lord Berold, claiming to be a descendant of Lord Uthlain, who died in the earthquakes a century prior. Lord Berold quickly asserts control of Uthmere and began rebuilding the ruined palace. Laborers from Thesk and Impiltur were brought in to construct new docks. In a few months, Uthmere transformed into a booming frontier town. Many enterprising individuals arrived from eastern Faerûn seeking their fortunes.

The following winter that rans into the Year of Dwarvenkind Reborn (1488 DR) is particularly harsh. Scores of new settlers ill-prepared for the harshness of the Great Dale died of the frigid cold.

In the Year of the Warrior Princess (1489 DR), new Implituran settlers south of Lethgate inadvertently started a forest fire while clearing farmland. The Circle of Leth arrived to stop the fire. Tensions became strained between the druids and new settlers in the Great Dale


The Great Dale was a large gap between the Forest of Lethyr and the Rawlinswood. This area was created in ancient times by an arm of the Great Glacier. The Dalefolk legends say that a great dragon divided the forest with his breath while others stated that Silvanus and Shaundakul held a contest to decide whether wood or wind would rule this land when Auril the Frostmaiden intervened to set winter over both. One long road crossed the Dale connecting Uthmere with the Cold Road, known by the name "The Great Road" or simply "The Road" (since it was the only major road of the area). The climate was harsh with furious winter winds.
Human 99%
Half-elf 1%
Chauntea, Eldath, Mielikki, Silvanus
Major Exports
Arrows, bows, woodcarving, herbs, alchemical items, magic items
Major Imports
Gold, silver, iron tools
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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