Ilmater - Piety System Page

God of Suffering, Endurance and Martyrdom

There is a quiet power in sacrifice, in the giving of yourself to a higher cause.
    Ilmater is the god of suffering, endurance and martyrdom. He offers relief to those in pain, and is a symbol for the unjustly treated to rally behind.  

Ilmater’s Champions

Alignment: Usually good, sometimes lawful
Suggested Classes: Cleric, Monk
Suggested Cleric Domains: Life
Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte

Champions of Ilmater are those who seek to lessen the suffering of others and heal the wounded.  

Ilmater’s Favor

Ilmater’s favour is given to those who truly wish to ease pain and heal those less fortunate than themselves. He lifts up those who are hurt or wounded in the service of their principles and gives them the courage to persevere.

Ilmater’s scions are often priests and medics. Ilmater’s symbol is sacred the world over, and few sentient races are bold or evil enough to attack a cleric wearing the healer’s garb of Ilmater.

Why did Ilmater seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 You are famous for your charitable work.
2 You took a blow intended for someone else and it delivered lasting consequences.
3 You were rich once, but you gave it all up to work with the poor and sick.
4 You were tortured for days, but didn’t give up vital information, saving your companions in the process.
5 You are a skilled and gifted healer of great prowess.
6 You fasted for weeks, and almost died. Ilmater came to you in a vision and restored you.

Devotion to Ilmater

Following Ilmater means dedicating yourself to life and healing above any other concerns. As a follower of Ilmater, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Compassion. I feel a deep sorrow at the suffering of others.
3 Heroism. The work I do makes me a hero, and I like to hear people say it.
4 Charity. If I can do something to help, it’s my responsibility to do so.
5 Fury. Cruelty and malice make me angry. This is my way of channelling that energy in a constructive manner.
6 Humility. I could be doing more. I should be doing more.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Ilmater when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Allowing someone to unburden their sorrows on you
  • Healing wounds and tending to injuries
  • Suffering as a direct result of your beliefs or principles
Your piety score to Ilmater decreases if you diminish Ilmater’s influence in the world or contradict her ideals through acts such as these:
  • Inflicting wanton suffering and violence for no reason
  • Refusing to heal the sick or needy

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Ilmater

Piety 3+ Ilmater trait
You gain inspiration when you put yourself in harm’s way in order to help another living creature.  

Setting Boundaries

Piety 10+ Ilmater trait
You no longer feel pain if you do not wish to. You gain immunity to the symptoms of the first level of Exhaustion.  


Piety 25+ Ilmater trait
You can cast death ward with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

Chosen of Ilmater

Piety 50+ Ilmater trait
You can spend an inspiration die to cast invulnerability. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. This spell ends if you attack or cast a spell on another creature.


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