Jergal (JER-gul)

Jergal, known by some as Nakasr, was the seneschal of the Kelemvor, Lord of the Dead, who he served just as he did Cyric and Myrkul before him. Jergal was the Lord of the End of Everything, Faerun's original god of death before he eventually ceded his position. Caring for little besides an orderly accounting of the fate of the world as it slowly sank into death, the Final Scribe was the one who kept the records of the ultimate fate of all the dead.


Jergal was unfeeling and excessively formal, never growing angry and always speaking in a monotonous, uncaring tone. In ethos, he was colder and more inhumane than his master, sanctioning the use and creation of undead by his followers, provided they served the cause of advancing death in the world. He was not evil or malicious, but impassively recorded the death of all things.


The church of Jergal is small and secretive, a rigidly organized, almost monastic order of scribes known as the Scriveners of Doom. Based largely in lifeless stone mausoleums and dry, dusty crypts, its members spend their days maintaining and extending vast archives of scrolls listing how sentients under their purview passed away and their destination in the afterlife. Only in Thay, where death is a daily fact of life, has Jergal's church undergone a small renaissance. A handful of Jergal's followers still follow the old ways of the Companions of the Pallid Mask, an order whose members specialized in combating or commanding the undead whose existence was not sanctioned by the church or who had proven to be troublesome.

Clerics of Jergal pray for their spells at dusk, a time of day representative of the end of life. On the last night of the year, Jergal's clergy cease their endless toil for a full night. On this holy night, known as the Night of Another Year, the clerics read every name whose death they have recorded from the scrolls they have carefully inscribed over the past year. With a cry of "One Year Closer!", all the scrolls are then filed, and work begins the next day. The only ritual Jergal's clerics are required to perform is called the Sealing. After recording each and every creature's demise, form of death, and destination in the afterlife, Scriveners of Doom are required to sprinkle a light dusting of ash and powdered bone over their inscribed words to blot the ink and mark another small step toward the world's end. Some seek church-sponsored undeath to allow them to continue their archiving careers. Some clerics multi-class as monks or necromancers.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Death

Tenets of Faith

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jergal is an ancient deity, older than many of the greater gods of Faerûn. In the time of Netheril, he was a greater deity himself, with the portfolios of the Dead, Murder and Strife. With the long aeons, he became bored with his position of power, and allowed for three mortals, known as the Dead Three, to each take up parts of his divinity. Bane assumed the portfolio of Strife, Myrkul the rulership of the Dead and Bhaal the portfolio of Murder. Jergal himself faded from his great stature, and became a seneschal to Myrkul, a position he has kept even after his master perished and first Cyric, then Kelemvor assumed his place.


Contacts & Relations

Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul inherited most of the portfolios of Jergal when he wearily stepped down from his position and then faded into near-obscurity. The death of those deities left Jergal in the service to Cyric and then Kelemvor. Although his nature is that he must be loyal to the office of death, he can subtly undermine the holder of that office if he or she is not true to the office's responsibilities. Jergal works well with Kelemvor, but retains his scorn for Cyric and spends much of his efforts combating Velsharoon's efforts to prolong life into undeath.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Lawful neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the End of Everything
The Pitiless One
The Forgotten One
The Final Scribe
Scribe of the Doomed
The Bleak Seneschal
Seneschal of the Crystal Spire
Lord of Bones
Lord of the Dead
Protector of the Names of the Dead
King of the Walking Dead
Guardian of Tombs
Judge of the Damned
The Grim Reaper


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