
Karontor was the giant god of disfigurement and hate, and the chosen patron of the malformed fomorians and the more villainous verbeeg. Exiled in ages past for his acts of spiteful envy, Karontor plotted his revenge from the cold depths of the Red Prison, driven by his malice towards all giantkind.


In contrast to a giant god like Grolantor, who was often portrayed by most giant races as primarily being stupidly prideful and evil secondarily, Karontor was a deity for whom wickedness took precedent over everything else. He seemed uncaring towards the Prime Material Plane, save for his hatred of giantkind, and he only sent avatars to express his unpredictable outbursts of murderous rage. This hatred, however, was merely a reflection of his own deep-seated feelings of self-loathing, consumed as he was by endless bitterness and miserable introspection.


Both fomorians and verbeeg felt a sense of kinship towards Karontor, although in their myths his form was constant. The fomorians were equally as twisted (both in form and personality) as him, although it was said that the hideous giants didn't truly hold any god in esteem.

Karontor's evil verbeeg worshipers proved superior as spellcasting servants due to their higher mental capacity, but their worship was rooted in self-interest rather than true faith. They worshiped Karontor in the hopes that he would bring them into the Ordning, and even his priests would abandon him if a better offer presented itself.

In centuries past, Karontor actively recruited followers from the largest verbeeg tribes. He ordered his priests to follow the dictates of a mysterious stranger (his avatar, whose identity was unknown to non-priests) who would occasionally visit their settlements (using a slightly different guise for each) offering treasure in exchange for vows of loyalty. It was unknown how their activities helped him and what his end goal for the verbeeg was.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Winter wolf's head

Tenets of Faith

Priests of Karantor were vicious warmongers that constantly urged their peers to seek conflict, pressing them to fight all entities of good. Trained beasts, especially wolves, were used for this purpose. Despite his occasional appearances, Karontor sent no omens to his priests.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Karontor was a misshapen god who, when manifesting as an avatar, appeared to be an 18 feet (5.5 meters) tall, uniquely grotesque fomorian, so utterly abhorrent that his presence was reviled by practically all races. He dressed in rotting, reeking furs, and was known to wield a club, but could also take the form of a huge winter wolf.

Special abilities

Karontor's banishment at the hands of his father stripped of his own spellcasting abilities, but he could still take the form of a winter wolf if given a minute to do so. In that form he was much faster, and once each day could breathe out a cone of cold.

Specialized Equipment

Avatars of Karontor normally carried a humble yet enchanted giantish club, but always had various other magical items on their person. Such items normally included a ring of invisibility, ring of mammal control, brooch of shielding, and efreeti bottle, and he often carried a flask of curses to leave behind for some unlucky entity he encountered.


Contacts & Relations

Karontor was the youngest son of Annam All-Father in the giant pantheon, and part of the third generation of offspring known by other giants as "the runts". His mother was not the unnamed sky goddess who gave birth to the other sons (Stronmaus, Memnor, Surtr, Thrym, Skoraeus, and Grolantor), making them his half-brothers, and his sisters included the goddesses Hiatea, Iallanis, and Diancastra.

In the myths of non-evil giants, Karontor was once a handsome and radiant god before he became envious of his eldest brother Stronmaus, his bitter jealously warping his physical form. Unlike Grolantor, who was scorned by sibling and parent alike, Annam did not truly detest Karontor despite exiling him to darkness. Annam was just tired of dealing with the ceaseless fights between his children, and after Karontor lashed out at his siblings, he sent him away (thus taking away his spell-casting) simply because it was the most convenient solution, giving the deformed god's grudge some level of justification.

Aside from Grolantor, Karontor was the most hated foe of Clangeddin Silverbeard, the dwarven god of battle.

Family Ties

Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Neutral evil


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