Keptolo (kep-toe-low)

Keptolo was the divine sponsor of the Realms deity, Zinzerena. He was also a deity to other dark elves throughout the multiverse, particularly on Oerth, but it was unknown if he was worshiped on Toril.


The Eager Consort was worshiped by many ambitious and subservient drow males who hoped to imitate him and his dedication to Lolth.

Divine Domains

Nature, Trickery

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As with all of the first elves, Keptolo was born from the blood spilt by Corellon Larethian during his battles against the chief orc deity, Gruumsh One-Eye. As a primal elf, Keptolo was given a name by Corellon himself. Once he attained the name of Keptolo, he underwent apotheosis, becoming an elven god. Lolth was also one of these newly created deities, but she was not happy being a subordinate of Corellon, and told the other deities of her ideals. Keptolo favoured her over the good-willed Corellon Lartehian, and became a member of the newly formed Dark Seldarine.

Within the crystal sphere of Greyspace, Keptolo decided to sponsor the drow mortal, known as Zinzerena, to divinity. However, in around 1358 DR, she executed a cunning plan and stole a fragment of his power, and then escaped to Menzoberranzan, a grand city in the Underdark of Toril. Although she faced trouble at first and was hunted by the members of the Dark Seldarine, the traitor eventually became revered as a drow goddess of assassins and chaos.


Contacts & Relations

Keptolo was a a loyal servant and consort of Lolth, Queen of the Demonweb Pits, who was the undisputed leader of the drow pantheon.

He appeared to live in harmony with all other members of the Dark Seldarine, apart from the deity he once sponsored, Zinzerena. After he was betrayed, Zinzerena became his divine enemy, and he absolutely despised her.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Eager Consort


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