
Malyk was an aspect of Talos created in the wake of the Time of Troubles of 1358 DR to take advantage of areas of wild magic, created after Mystra's death at the hands of Helm. Due to the nature of his followers though, these were usually restricted to areas in the Underdark.


Malyk had no priests per se; instead, he granted a few divine spells to the wild mages who followed him. Most of his worshipers were drawn from young drow spellcasters who had been experimenting with wild magic. Though wild mages of other races did take up his cause, the vast majority were beings usually found in the Underdark. Though his cult was mysterious and mostly unknown, they were believed to be working towards the destabilization of Lolth-controlled settlements.

Malyk's worshipers were also thought to have gained control of the powerful artefact known as the Guardian's Tear. They tried to use it to overthrow the Conclave of Sshamath, who had branded wild mages as terrorists.

Male drow and even some female drow of low position made sacrifices in secret to attract Malyk's attention.

Divine Domains

Tempest, Trickery

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malyk was a drow lich of increasing power who lived in the Underdark beneath the Dalelands. During the Time of Troubles―after Mystra's death but before Midnight's apotheosis―he came across a powerful area of wild magic beneath Castle Crag. Somehow, he managed to steal a part of Mystra's divine essence from the zone.

Tempus, upon learning of Malyk's actions descended into the Underdark and destroyed the lich, hoping to take some of Mystra's power for himself. Unfortunately for him it seems Ao decided to grant Talos that power instead. However, no one save the new Mystra would ever know that was the case.

The Second Sundering

Malyk managed to return to life during the event known as the Second Sundering in the 1480s DR. After this event, it seems that Malyk got free from service to Talos, becoming an independent deity.


Contacts & Relations

Lolth obviously resented drow mages being drawn away from her service and, knowing that many harbored rebellious thoughts anyway, decided to grant those living in Menzoberranzan new and powerful arcane spells in an attempt to keep them loyal.
Divine Classification
Chaotic evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
the Dark Mage
1358 DR


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