Memnor - Piety System Page

Giant God of Masks, Trickery and Wealth

All of my faces are honest, after a fashion. Above all else, they display nobility - not that I would expect you to understand.
    Memnor is the cloud giant god of masks, trickery and wealth. He asks little of his scions other than they work whatever schemes necessary to set themselves above their peers through acquisition of gold, jewels and other objects of art that Memnor finds desirable.  

Memnor’s Champions

Alignment: Usually evil
Suggested Classes: Rogue, Bard, Warlock
Suggested Cleric Domains: Trickery
Suggested Backgrounds: Noble, Courtier

Champions of Memnor delight in duplicity, playing seemingly trivial games which represent lifelong feuds and bitter rivalry.  

Memnor’s Favor

Memnor is a mercurial god who rarely bestows favour on anyone for long. Rather than engaging in japes and tomfoolery like other trickster gods, Memnor is known for his changing faces, genial attitude and convincing arguments that inevitably lead their recipients to ruin.

Memnor’s scions are measured by their lineage’s ability to seize and hold assets against others. The actual value of the gold and jewels is worth little to Memnor (even if he does like shiny things) - it’s what they represent that matters. Each gold piece you have in your hoard is one denied to someone else, and Memnor finds that to be quite delicious.

Why did Memnor seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 Your family has always been rich, though they didn’t come by it through legitimate means.
2 Your family holds a valuable secret - the secret of how to build flying castles.
3 Your estate is worthless, but you have a plan to build it from scratch and ruin your enemies.
4 You risked your entire fortune on a gambit which failed, but you picked yourself up again.
5 You always wear a mask to cover your identity.
6 You carry a small and petty grudge handed down from your parents, and their parents before them.

Devotion to Memnor

Following Memnor means dedicating yourself to wealth and duplicity. As a follower of Memnor, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Wealth. I know precisely how many coins I am worth at all times, and I like to know that of my companions.
3 Trickery. The gold is secondary to the delight of fooling someone.
4 Kinship. I do this all for the sake of my family and their prospects.
5 Legacy. I wish to be known as the richest and cleverest being there ever was.
6 Power. Wealth means I can boss people about, and makes my lies all the more convincing.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Memnor when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Acquiring a new source of personal wealth and prestige
  • Lying or deceiving your peers, rivals and enemies
Your piety score to Memnor decreases if you diminish Memnor’s influence in the world or contradict their ideals through acts such as these:
  • Intentionally giving away things of value in a fair trade or through charity

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Memnor

Piety 3+ Memnor trait
You gain Inspiration when you deceive another creature to gain something of value.  

Moving Targets

Piety 10+ Memnor trait
You can cast mirror image with this trait, requiring no components. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.  

Cloud Giant Strength

Piety 25+ Memnor trait
Your strength score increases to 27 unless it was already higher.  

Chosen of Memnor

Piety 50+ Memnor trait
You may use an action to spend an inspiration die and cast alter shape with this trait, requiring no components. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. You can only change the shape of your face with this version of the spell. In addition, when you meet a new creature you may use a reaction to perfectly memorize the shape of their face for use later.


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