Methrammar Aerasumé Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Methrammar Aerasumé

High Lord Methrammar Aerasumé was a half-elf fighter and wizard and the High Lord of the Silver Marches as well as the ruler of Silverymoon, and the High Marshal of the Argent Legion, the army of the League of the Silver Marches.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Methrammar had a bow named Swiftflight, which was made for him as a parting gift by Tyresia before he left to return to his family. He armed it with +2 magical arrows and he also carried a magical +3 bastard sword. He wore a +3 mithral shirt and a +2 amulet of natural armor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Methrammar's upbringing was one of high expectations because of the status of his mother. He showed skills with both magic and armed combat and it was the latter that allowed him to rise through the ranks of the Argent Legion.


Contacts & Relations

Prior to the Spellplague, Methrammar had a crush on Myrin Darkdance.

Family Ties

Methrammar was the son of Alustriel Silverhand and had a half-brother (through their father) named Tyresia, with whom he was very close. Methrammar was the third born among the twelve brothers known as the Tall Ones.  

Family Tree

Hobbies & Pets

Methrammar was fond of his pseudodragon familiar named Beau and usually protected it with magic. It occasionally behaved unexpectedly however. Beau wore a +2 ring of protection.
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1304 DR 187 Years old
Ruled Locations


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