Mystra - Piety System Page

Goddess of Magic and Possibility

The Art is there to those who would reach for it.
    Mystra is the goddess of magic and possibility. She is a powerful god, paid homage to by good and evil spellcasters alike, concerned primarily with the propagation of magic across Toril.  

Mystra’s Champions

Alignment: Usually good
Suggested Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard, Cleric (Spellcaster Only)
Suggested Cleric Domains: Arcana, Knowledge
Suggested Backgrounds: Sage, Folk Hero, Acolyte

Champions of Mystra are those blessed with great magical power. They are people with the ability to make great changes to the world, and they are watched closely.  

Mystra’s Favor

Mystra’s favour is given to those with innate power such as sorcerers, or those learned arcanists who show incredible potential and growth. Mystra works to shepherd these dangerous people into situations that will provoke them to use and develop their powers.

Mystra’s scions are varied in origin and temperament, united mainly by a gift for the Art magic.

Why did Mystra seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 Your magical gift destroyed your home before you got it under control.
2 You are a magical prodigy, inventing a new spell by the age of five.
3 You are descended from a being of magical might.
4 You bumped into Elminster once. Literally. Maybe some of that magic rubbed off on you.
5 Someone cast a spell on you in your earliest youth, and it never quite washed out.
6 You have no idea why Mystra favours you - you are singularly incompetent in the Art.

Devotion to Mystra

Following Mystra means dedicating yourself to magic. As a follower of Mystra, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Excellence. Every spell I cast must be perfect.
3 Mystery. I love magic not because of the answers it gives me, but because of the questions it poses.
4 Power. Magic allows me to control things. I crave control.
5 Tutelage. For the Art to flourish, some of us must dedicate our lives to teaching others.
6 Passion. The world feels alive when I am using magic. It’s addictive and tempting.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Mystra when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts suc as these:
  • Using a new spell or ritual to solve a problem
  • Encouraging the use of magic in others that fear or resent it
  • Using magic to improve the world for the better
Your piety score to Mystra decreases if you diminish Mystra’s influence in the world or contradict her ideals through acts such as these:
  • Repressing or ignoring your magic in favour of other solutions
  • Bringing the reputation of magic into ill repute

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Mystra

Piety 3+ Mystra trait
Choose a spell you know. You gain Inspiration when you cast it with a spell slot.  

Magical Prodigy

Piety 10+ Mystra trait
Choose a spell you know. You can cast it using no components.  

Enhanced Potential

Piety 25+ Mystra trait
You gain an extra spell slot upon finishing a long rest. This spell slot is equal to the highest level you are able to cast.  

Chosen of Mystra

Piety 50+ Mystra trait
Mystra bestows on you the gift of Spellfire, a silvery force of ghostly flame that you may invoke to perform great feats of magic. You may spend an inspiration die to summon the Spellfire and cast one of its spells: fireball, cure wounds (5th level), revivify, counterspell, flight. Once the Spellfire has been used to cast a spell, it can’t be used to cast that spell again. When you have cast all of the spells, the list resets. The spells use your spellcasting ability and spell save DC.


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