Raven Queen - Piety System Page

Mysterious Entity of Death, Omen and Memory

What is better than a mystery you ask? Another mystery of course.
A mysterious entity of death, omen and memory residing in the Shadowfell, the Raven Queen represents the greater mysteries of existence. What is the soul? Where do we go when we pass on into oblivion? What does it all really mean? The Raven Queen knows, and she isn’t telling.  

The Raven Queen’s Champions

Alignment: Usually neutral
Suggested Classes: Bard, Cleric, Wizard
Suggested Cleric Domains: Life, Death, Grave, Knowledge, Twilight
Suggested Backgrounds: Sage, Hermit, Faceless

Champions of The Raven Queen are omen seekers, mystics and knights-errant of nothingness.  

The Raven Queen’s Favor

The Raven Queen’s eye lands where it will, hidden strands of fate leading her to select her champions from the most unlikely places. Omens arrive first - a missing star, the arrival of a raven at your chamber door - and by then it is far too late.

The Raven Queen’s scions are often accused of being unstable or unhinged. And perhaps they are, but only a fool would disregard their advice, regardless.

Why did The Raven Queen seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 I walked through a veil of darkness, and it pulled me back towards the light.
2 The moon was covered in ichor. I saw it, and it saw me back. I will never forget it.
3 There were spiders in my hair. Spiders and ravens. They lied to me, but in those lies I saw truth.
4 I flew on wings of stone, but I soared too high. The fall taught me how to pray again.
5 Everyone is singing. I can hear the song, and it breaks my heart, for I know how it ends.
6 There is a fortress in my heart, and in it there is a throne of ravens.

Devotion to The Raven Queen

Following The Raven Queen means dedicating yourself to learning. As a follower of The Raven Queen, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Mystery. If people knew a fraction what I know about the truth of this reality, they would end their own lives in terror.
3 Mortality. All lives must end at their appointed time. Those who would toy with fate will find it bites back.
4 Dread. I have been touched by the end of all things. If you don’t fear me already, then you will learn to.
5 Destiny. I have seen the omens of what is to come. You might think you have control, but it’s all an illusion.
6 Acceptance. Struggle all you like. You will only make your short time in this life all the more unpleasant.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to The Raven Queen when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Dealing in omens, memories and riddles
  • Destroying creatures outside the touch of fate, such as some kinds of powerful undead or strange aberrations
Your piety score to The Raven Queen decreases if you diminish The Raven Queen’s influence in the world or contradict her ideals through acts such as these:
  • Hiding knowledge from another creature for any reason

Deity Traits

Favoured God: The Raven Queen

Piety 3+ The Raven Queen trait
You gain Inspiration when you communicate meaningful information using omen, parable or allegory.  

Lore Fragments

Piety 10+ The Raven Queen trait
Frequently, when you touch an objects or a creature, you receive brief and troubling visions from its history.  

Labyrinth of the Soul

Piety 25+ The Raven Queen trait
Creatures that attempt to read your thoughts find themselves instead staring into their own pasts, usually memories they would rather not revisit.  

Chosen of The Raven Queen

Piety 50+ The Raven Queen trait
As an action you can spend an inspiration die to touch a creature and flood them with the Raven Queen’s wisdom, as if by a contact other plane spell. If a creature fails the saving throw against the spell, you are refunded the inspiration die.


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