Savras - Piety System Page

God of Divinations and Fortune Telling

I have seen a thousand thousand futures. Each of them haunts me, a version of the world as it might have been.
    Savras is a god of divinations and fortune telling. A minor god, his domain extends to all minor acts of prognostication and folk charms.  

Savras’s Champions

Alignment: Usually lawful
Suggested Classes: Wizard
Suggested Cleric Domains: Arcana, Knowledge
Suggested Backgrounds: Sage, Hermit

Champions of Savras are those who seek to read or divine the future, reading the fates to advance their own agendas.  

Savras’s Favor

Savras’s favour is bestowed on those who value foresight and planning, but amongst these he particularly treasures seers and mystics.

Savras’s scions are drawn equally from temple oracles and hedge witches, comprising anyone with the gift of Sight.

Why did Savras seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 It was foretold.
2 A vision? Surely not.
3 Prophecy. Definitely prophecy.
4 A clairvoyant did it.
5 An augury decided it.
6 Destiny doesn’t need a reason. Just a victim.

Devotion to Savras

Following Savras means dedicating yourself to prognostication. As a follower of Savras, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Destiny. My visions must be used to make sure destiny comes to pass, not in futile attempts to divert it.
3 Fatalism. What will be, will be.
4 Ambition. I will use what I know to advance my own interests.
5 Apathy. I’ve seen too much, and glimpsed too many possibilities. It all seems overwhelming.
6 Secrecy. If people really knew what the future holds, they’d lose their minds.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Savras when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • You predict the future or read an omen
  • You cast a divination spell
  • You pierce an illusion with your intellect or magic.
Your piety score to Savras decreases if you diminish Savras’s influence in the world or contradict her ideals through acts such as these:
  • You ignore an omen or prediction
  • You are fooled by an illusion.

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Savras

Piety 3+ Savras trait
You gain Inspiration when you see through an illusion or perform a divination.  

Omens and Riddles

Piety 10+ Savras trait
You can cast augury as a ritual with this trait, requiring no components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

All Seeing Eye

Piety 25+ Savras trait
You can cast divination as a ritual with this trait. Once you do so, you can’t cast it in this way again until you finish a long rest.  

Chosen of Savras

Piety 50+ Savras trait
You spend an inspiration die to gain truesight for 1 minute.


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