Skoraeus Stonebones - Piety System Page

Giant God of Rune Magic, Art and Wisdom

If you asked fewer questions, and listened more, you would already have the answer you seek.
    Skoraeus is the stone giant god of rune magic, art and wisdom. Often referred to as the Great Creator, he stands apart from the squabbles of his siblings and instead turns his sight inward to the deep, eternal truths of the world.  

Skoraeus’s Champions

Alignment: Usually neutral
Suggested Classes: Druid, Monk, Wizard
Suggested Cleric Domains: Knowledge, Grave
Suggested Backgrounds: Hermit

Champions of Skoraeus share the wisdom and insight of their god, preferring to find truth in isolation and quiet.  

Skoraeus’s Favor

Skoraeus knows many things, all gained from his silent contemplation of the cosmic order. His advice can be taken out of context, or marred by distance, but it is never wrong. He remains neutral in matters of good or evil, giving advice to anyone who should ask it of him.

Skoraeus’s scions are minded towards solitude, and are found amongst the monks, ascetics and hermits of the world. To achieve the wisdom of Skoraeus is no easy feat, and is nigh impossible without long years of internal peace and balance.

Why did Skoraeus seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 You took a vow of silence, which you have kept for the vast majority of your lifespan
2 You retreated far below the surface of the earth, to listen to the heartbeat of creation
3 You firmly believe that above ground is a dream, and below ground is reality.
4 You created a work of art so beautiful that you don’t remember how you did it
5 Some people call you mad. Others call you a visionary. They are both wrong - you are much more than either.
6 You were born without a shadow, and light rolls off you in a peculiar way. This is auspicious.

Devotion to Skoraeus

Following Skoraeus means dedicating yourself to introspective wisdom. As a follower of Skoraeus, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Art. I am deeply, irrevocably obsessed with my art.
3 Nature. If you listen closely enough, all the answers you could ever need are written in the stones.
4 Mystery. The world is full of ineffable secrets. We should embrace them.
5 Balance. I believe that only in the Balance of good and evil can the world continue to exist.
6 Apathy. I have long since lost any care for the petty issues of kingdom and country.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Skoraeus when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Meditating on an important issue and coming to a revelation.
  • Imparting timely and honest advice
Your piety score to Skoraeus decreases if you diminish Skoraeus’s influence in the world or contradict their ideals through acts such as these:
  • Intentionally deceiving someone to act against their better interests
  • Engaging in loud acts of debauchery or wild abandon

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Skoraeus

Piety 3+ Skoraeus trait
You gain Inspiration when you impart honest and relevant advice to someone who needs it.  

A Quiet Place

Piety 10+ Skoraeus trait
You can cast meld into stone with this trait, requiring no components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

Stone Giant Strength

Piety 25+ Skoraeus trait
Your strength score increases to 23 unless it was already higher.  

Chosen of Skoraeus

Piety 50+ Skoraeus trait
You are able to tap into the secret underpinnings of giant Rune magic, and grant a lesser spell that same permanence. You can touch a spell effect within 5 feet of you and spend an inspiration die to change its duration to “until dispelled”. The chosen effect must be a physical spell effect capable of being touched for this feature to work.


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