Star elf

Star elves, or mithral elves, or Ruar-tel-quessir, as they used to be known, were a race of elves who spent around two thousand years hidden away in the extraplanar redoubt they called Sildëyuir, before trickling back to Faerûn. They were considered eladrin also called high elves.  


Star elves looked similar to moon elves, with light skin and hair of gold, red, or silver. They had violet or gray eyes with occasional gold flecks in them. They were tall for elves, being about 5 1⁄2 to 6 ft (1.67 to 1.83 m) tall, and had a slender build. They liked to wear elaborate tunics but in neutral tones, so as to better remain unseen in the forest. They were strikingly handsome by human standards, even more so than other elves.  


Aloof and cautious, star elves were unfamiliar with Faerûn and even other races. Isolated in the twilight realm of Sildëyuir, they had no contact with N'Tel'Quess and they liked it that way. It was the war-like and expansionistic humans that caused them to create the realm of Sildëyuir and flee their home in the first place. They generally got along with other elves, though they feared for the moon elves and half-elves of Aglarond who they believed were overly generous and a touch naive.

Perhaps not surprisingly, star elves as a race were generally chaotic in nature rather than lawful. They valued individual accomplishment and rights over the demands of society.


Culture and cultural heritage

After centuries of isolation, star elves had little understanding of Faerun. They were looking for a solution, either by finding allies that would help them to defeat the Nilshai threat or by finding a place were they could settle if Sildëyuir has to be abandoned.  


Star elves were not a devout race but worshiped and recognized the Seldarine with special reverence to Corellon Larethian.  


As they had little or no contact with the outside world for centuries, star elves had little understanding of common humanoid races, such as dwarves and humans. They saw in humans a bellicose and imperialist race who too easily used weapons and magic to reach their expansionist goals. They had a good relationship with other elven races, especially wood and sun elves.  


In −6950 DR star elves began to gather in the Yuirwood, where a number of green elves already lived. Shortly thereafter the star and green elf nation of Yuireshanyaar was formed in −6600 DR. They had over 5,000 years of peace during that time, largely isolated from the other events occurring across Faerûn. Around −1250 DR the human nation of Unther expanded to the southern coast of Aglarond and battled Yuireshanyaar. The elves lost, and retreated back into the woods. Less than 200 years later the elves were assaulted by orcs during the Orcgate Wars.

In −900 DR the elves begin to notice the rise of Narfell and Raumathar, and knowing that history repeats itself they foresaw disaster in the humans' misuse of magic. With the Untheric humans on their southern coast, orcs in the mountains due east, and two powerful and dangerous human nations to the north, the star elves decide that they needed to find a safer home. The elven high mages created a network of stone circles around the Yuirwood, which was then used to channel a spell that formed the demi-plane realm of Sildëyuir. Finally, in −699 DR the star elves completely abandoned Yuireshanyaar for Sildëyuir. Most of the green elves decided to remain behind.

The star elves of the Yuirwood retreated to this plane and stayed there for a little over two millennia, until they were forced out by alien sorcerers called Nilshai who corrupted their home with strange magic. They were suspected to return to the Yuirwood pushed away by this threat.
Encompassed species
Feywild, Sildëyuir, and Yuirwood
Common, Elvish


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