Surtur - Piety System Page

Giant God of Craftsmanship, Skill and Flame

Fire is not the enemy. Fire consumes, yes, but it also burns away the cobwebs and allows new ideas to take root. Fire is not the enemy. Fire is the answer.
    Surtur is the fire giant god of craftsmanship, skill and flame. He represents the purifying fires of the forge, that smelt raw materials into things of use and beauty. A warlike god, Surtur values most those tools that allow giants to defeat their enemies and defend their belongings from attack.  

Surtur’s Champions

Alignment: Usually lawful, often evil
Suggested Classes: Barbarian, Cleric, Sorcerer
Suggested Cleric Domains: Forge, Order, Light
Suggested Backgrounds: Clan Crafter, Guild Atristan

Champions of Surtur use their abilities to craft ever greater weapons, armor and fortifications, taking to the field and using these gifts to further their agendas.  

Surtur’s Favor

Surtur is a god of fire, passion and inspiration. He looks not only for those craftsmen who excel in their disciplines, but for those who wish to USE their gifts to achieve an end.

Surtur’s scions are thus usually warlike and martial, relying on the swords and axes of their own forges to secure them victory in battle. However, occasionally an artificer who invents a great machine or magical device capable of transforming the world might earn his respect too.

Why did Surtur seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 You have crafted your own weapons your entire life, and taken lives with them.
2 You built the family home on which countless invaders have dashed their lifeblood.
3 Your heart burns with plans for ever better weapons. They can always be sharper. Always more deadly.
4 You only craft for those who agree with your homicidal political agendas.
5 You were born under a dying star, the fire of which dances in your eyes and speaks of a revelation to come.
6 You invented a terrible machine or spell that you regret making, now you have seen it in action.

Devotion to Surtur

Following Surtur means dedicating yourself to the passion of craftsmanship. As a follower of Surtur, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Pride. If my equipment is not the best, it is worth nothing.
3 Hard Work. Each day I get better and better at my craft.
4 Respect. I want my rivals and colleagues to look at my with envy for my legendary talent.
5 Tradition. I craft things in the manner of my family, which is to say the only Correct way.
6 Purity. In the forge and in battle, I work to cleanse darkness from the world wherever I see it.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Surtur when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Crafting a weapon or armor that is of unusual size, strength or beauty
  • Using the things you have crafted for practical purpose
Your piety score to Surtur decreases if you diminish Surtur’s influence in the world or contradict their ideals through acts such as these:
  • Keeping your creations secret, under lock and key, or away from use

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Surtur

Piety 3+ Surtur trait
You gain Inspiration when you prove the worth and need of your creations in combat or otherwise.  

Burning Blades

Piety 10+ Surtur trait
You can cast searing smite with this trait, requiring no components. Strength is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

Fire Giant Strength

Piety 25+ Surtur trait
Your strength score increases to 25 unless it was already higher.  

Chosen of Surtur

Piety 50+ Surtur trait
You can spend an inspiration die to cleanse a magical item of impurities. As an action, you touch a magical item and engulf it in magical flame. All curses on the chosen item are removed, burning away into nothing. If a curse is removed from an item, the flames briefly turn black and display a flickering omen relating to the nature of the curse.


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