
Thrym was a titan worshiped by the frost giants as the giant god of cold and ice. He was the de facto leader of the frost giants as well.


When not directly preparing for war, Thrym was known to be fairly aloof, wandering his realm restlessly.

Divine Domains

Cold, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A white double-bladed greataxe

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thrym appeared as an exceptionally large frost giant. He typically wore chainmail and a coat made of white fur.

Special abilities

Thrym could breathe a devastating cone of cold out to 100 ft (30 m) and was completely immune to cold- or ice-based attacks. Only highly magical weapons could even touch him enough to injure him. He often granted frost giants the ability to use arcane magic like a wizard.

Specialized Equipment

His signature weapon was a large double-bladed greataxe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At some point Thrym forged a magic warhammer by the name of Matalotok.


Contacts & Relations

Thrym was a son of Annam All-Father.

Thyrm was known to have a rivalry with his twin, Surtur. Since birth, the two had competed to be the first at everything.

At some point, Thrym fathered the Empyrean Nalkara with Auril, goddess of winter.

Family Ties

Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Chaotic evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the frost giants


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