Torm - Piety System Page

God of Duty and Loyalty

Faith. Duty. Honour.
  Torm is the god of duty and loyalty. He espouses teachings of selfless service to a higher cause, of sacrifices for the greater good and that salvation can be found in helping others.  

Torms’s Champions (Paladin Only)

Alignment: Always lawful good
Suggested Classes: Paladin Only (No Oathbreaker)
Suggested Cleric Domains: Any (Most often Order or War)
Suggested Backgrounds: Knight, Soldier

Champions of Torm are principled warriors and paladins who revere Goodness as an ideal to strive for.  

Torm’s Favor

Torm is a demanding god who asks much of his followers. He bestows his gifts only on those Paladins whose ‘goodness’ and zeal reflect the god’s own. Torm’s rigidity is both his source of strength and his greatest weakness in refusing to acknowledge followers he does not feel are pure enough.

Torm’s scions are almost always found inside the orders of Paladins and similar holy orders, particularly the Oath of Devotion.

Why did Torm seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 You tracked down and parleyed with a unicorn. It vouched for your purity of heart.
2 You offered to die for your god. He refused, but instead took you into his service.
3 You were raised into the paladin orders from birth when you were abandoned into Torm’s care.
4 You spoke to an angel, and it changed your life forever.
5 You betrayed friends, family and everything you ever knew in order to keep your Oath.
6 You spent several weeks on your knees in vigil to Torm until he finally accepted your sword in fealty.

Devotion to Torm

Following Torm means dedicating your life to honour. As a follower of Torm, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Courage. I must face evil wherever I find it without hesitation.
3 Pride. Torm is infallible, and so am I by extension.
4 Heroism. If my god is with me, I could strike down mountains.
5 Greater Good. People might not understand it yet, but everything I do is for their own good.
6 Purity. I must be pure of heart, mind and body, or I will lose my miracles and Torm will forsake me.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Torm when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Upholding your oath even when it would cause you personal harm or injury
  • Showing kindness and mercy in the face of evil
  • Being an active force for Good as you see it, even if your help is not asked for
Your piety score to Torm decreases if you diminish Torm’s influence in the world or contradict her ideals through acts such as these:
  • Allowing evil to go unchallenged when you see it
  • Forgoing active acts of charity if it is within your means
  • Acting against the spirit of your oath

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Torm

Piety 3+ Torm trait
You can Inspiration when you uphold your Oath against your own interests or desires.  


Piety 10+ Torm trait
Your Lay on Hands pool increases by a number of points equal to your character level. You can use your Lay on Hands feature to end curses in the same way you cure poisons and diseases.  

Evil Cannot Hide

Piety 25+ Torm trait
You can use your Divine Sense ability at-will  

Chosen of Torm

Piety 50+ Torm trait
You are immune to magical or mental influence that would cause you to break your Oath.


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