Trishina (trish-EE-nuh)

Trishina, was the goddess of the dolphins and consort of Deep Sashelas. She was the reason why aquatic elves had such a bond with dolphins. She was part of the asathalfinare pantheon, an alliance of good-aligned gods of aquatic races.


Her clergy were pacifists but devoted themselves utterly to protecting the young of any race they encountered and saving as many lives as they could.

She was seen by many as the mother goddess of the Shalarin, who, when compared to most humanoid depictions of her, looked remarkably similar to a Shalarin. Since the shalarin were a transplanted culture, they adopted her as their main deity, naming her as Ri'da'trisha.

Divine Domains

Life, Trickery, Peace

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dolphin with calf
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Lawful good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Waverider
Mistress of Games
the Joyswimmer


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