Tyr - Piety System Page

God of Justice

Justice is a myth, but a beautiful myth we could make reality.
    Tyr is the god of justice. He concerns himself with the righting of wrongs, the just application of law, discovering the truth and applying punishment where appropriate.  

Tyr’s Champions

Alignment: Always lawful
Suggested Classes: Paladin, Cleric, Fighter
Suggested Cleric Domains: Order, War
Suggested Backgrounds: City Watch, Urban Bounty Hunter

Champions of Tyr are keepers of the law and civil police who ostensibly apprehend criminals and keep the peace.  

Tyr’s Favor

Tyr demands that his followers exhibit a law abiding, honest nature and he asks no less of his chosen. Tyr chooses those who exhibit a strong sympathy with law over chaos and who understand that the perfect is the enemy of the good. Justice must be done, even if it isn’t always infallible.

Tyr’s scions tend to be stern and inflexible in their approach, rooting out crime and applying the law equally to all even in exceptional circumstances that might reasonably require another solution.

Why did Tyr seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 You arrested a fellow officer of the law when they broke it.
2 You might be the greatest legal scholar of your generation.
3 You were blinded in pursuit of a criminal, and Tyr guided your steps to their capture anyway.
4 You’ve spent your life trying to solve a single crime of personal interest to you.
5 You turned your own family into justice when you discovered a conspiracy of wrongdoing.
6 You don’t know why Tyr favours you. You don’t feel particularly just, far from it.

Devotion to Tyr

Following Tyr means dedicating your life to the pursuit of justice. As a follower of Tyr, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Civilisation. The work I do is all that stands between society and anarchy.
3 Power. I get a dark thrill from abusing my position.
4 Hard Work. It’s exhausting work but someone has to do it.
5 Apathy. The work never stops, and I begin to tire of it.
6 Protection. I’m trying to protect the place where I live, and the people who live there.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Tyr when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Bringing a criminal to the attention of the law
  • Seeking justice for a wrong committed regardless of any personal stakes you might hold
  • Applying the same standards of justice to yourself as you do to others
Your piety score to Tyr decreases if you diminish Tyr’s influence in the world or contradict her ideals through acts such as these:
  • Deliberately flouting the law or obstructing justice
  • Perpetuating any double standard where you don’t apply the same rules to yourself as you would to others

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Tyr

Piety 3+ Tyr trait
You gain Inspiration when you deliver a just punishment or reward to the deserving.  

Justiciar’s Insight

Piety 10+ Tyr trait
You can cast zone of truth with this trait, requiring no components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  

Under Arrest

Piety 25+ Tyr trait
You can cast hold person with this trait at-will, requiring no components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. You may only cast this spell on a creature you are apprehending under the law, to bring them to justice.  

Chosen of Tyr

Piety 50+ Tyr trait
If you are unable to see due to darkness or blindness, you gain tremorsense out to 30 feet for as long as you remain blinded in this way.


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