Urdlen - Piety System Page

Gnome God of Isolation and Self-Preservation

Nothing is precious. You are nothing. You are precious to me.
    Urdlen is the gnome god of isolation and self-preservation. He is an angry and bitter deity who receives little open worship but represents being separated from all you love and thus is secretly propitiated by those hoping to soothe the ache of abandonment. Unlike his kin, he eschews a gnomelike visage, appearing as a huge, albino mole with scarlet eyes that lives deep deep under the world.  

Urdlen’s Champions

Alignment: Usually evil, often chaotic
Suggested Classes: Rogue, Druid, Warlock
Suggested Cleric Domains: Death, War
Suggested Backgrounds: Urchin, Haunted One, Criminal

Champions of Urdlen are those who have felt the pain of being hurt and left behind by others who don’t understand them.  

Urdlen’s Favor

Urdlen is a jealous and vengeful god who holds the rest of the gnomish pantheon as misguided traitors who have exiled him for daring not to comply with Garl Glittergold’s schemes and tricks.

Urdlen’s scions are almost always those who have found themselves working outside the law, or those banished from their homelands. Not all who receive Urdlen’s favour were banished for good reasons, and he watches over these good hearted scions just as keenly as he does criminals and anarchists.

Why did Urdlen seek you out as a champion? The following table offers a few suggestions.
d6 Circumstance
1 Your family disowned you due to a situation over which you feel you had no control.
2 You accidentally killed someone and were banished as a result.
3 Your friends cut ties with you after you betrayed them (for a good reason, you would argue).
4 You were sentenced to a lengthy jail sentence due to an unjust law.
5 Your unusual behaviours have never allowed you to make any real friends.
6 You were born with crimson eyes, the sign of Urdlen’s chosen. You don’t know why.

Devotion to Urdlen

Following Urdlen means dedicating your life to self-sufficiency and avenging wrongs done to you. As a follower of Urdlen, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Revenge. I will show them all what I am capable of.
3 Destiny. I was not meant for the games and trivialities that others enjoy. I was meant for something greater.
4 Justice. I will live, if only to see justice done on those who have wronged me.
5 Fury. I nurse a deep seated anger at how I have been treated, and it fuels my success.
6 Cruelty. Treat others the way you’ve been treated, isn’t that how it goes?

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Urdlen when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Plotting revenge for something done to you
  • Helping others survive being mistreated or abandoned
Your piety score to Urdlen decreases if you diminish Urdlen’s influence in the world or contradict his ideals through acts such as these:
  • Openly trusting and relying on others without an escape plan in place should they turn on you
  • Forgiving others readily for their crimes against you

Deity Traits

Favoured God: Urdlen

Piety 3+ Urdlen trait
You gain Inspiration when you confront someone about their mistreatment of you.  

Seven Leagues Below

Piety 10+ Urdlen trait
Whilst underground you always know what time of day it is, which direction is north, and how far down you currently are from the surface.  

Urdlen’s Eyes

Piety 25+ Urdlen trait
You gain tremorsense out to 30 feet as long as you are in total darkness and cannot see.  

Chosen of Urdlen

Piety 50+ Urdlen trait
You may use an action to spend an inspiration die and gain a burrow speed of 30 feet for 1 hour. This burrow speed can break through stone, which is treated as difficult terrain.


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