Iarno "Glasstaff" Albrek

Glasstaff stands at an average height, his slightly stooped posture hinting at a life spent in contemplation and manipulation. His once-pristine robes, bearing the symbol of the Lord's Alliance, now show signs of wear and neglect, suggesting a fall from grace. His sharp blue eyes are framed by a trimmed beard, and his thin lips often curl into a half-smile that exudes a mix of condescension and self-assuredness. His attire, while not ostentatious, is functional and adorned with a staff of polished glass – the source of his moniker.
  Formerly a respected member of the Lord's Alliance, Glasstaff's true allegiance lies with the Black Spider, a shadowy figure orchestrating events behind the scenes. Driven by personal ambition and a desire for power, Glasstaff betrayed his previous alliances to further the Black Spider's goals. He has taken control of the Redbrand gang, a group of thugs and bandits that infest the town of Phandalin, enforcing their dominance through fear and intimidation.
Basic Information
  Titles: Lord
  Nicknames: Glasstaff
  Home: Phandalin, Sword Coast North
  Sex: Male
  Race: Human
  Occupation: Bandit leader, Lords' Alliance agent
  Circa 1491 DR, Iarno broke ties with the Lords' Alliance and created the Redbrands under the guidance of Nezznar. Iarno knew of Nezznar from his contacts in the Lords' Alliance and negotiated a meeting with the drow, seeing a chance to line his pockets.


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