Mount Hotenow (HOE-teh-NOW)

Mount Hotenow known to the ancient dwarves as Glaurimm, was a volcano amid the Crags mountain range, situated to the northeast of the city of Neverwinter on the Sword Coast North, deep in Neverwinter Wood. It was home to a large population of fire elementals, warming the Neverwinter River to the point where it never froze over, even in the heart of winter, giving the city its name.
  A shadowy reflection of Mount Hotenow also existed in the Shadowfell. Unlike its Torilian counterpart, the Mount Hotenow of the Shadowfell was always spilling rivers of lava, which flowed to the city of Evernight.
  After its eruption, Mount Hotenow looked like a set of serrated teeth many described as a "door to the Nine Hells" (or the Elemental Chaos, according to others). A river made of pure elemental fire followed a serpentine path throughout Hotenow's interior and underneath the surrounding mountains and hills of the Crags.
  Within Mount Hotenow were largely untapped deposits of alum, nitre, and sal ammoniac. Following the eruption, deposits of rare black diamonds were found in the crater's rim.
  Flora & Fauna The volcano also had a tendency to attract creatures like fire giants and red dragons to make their homes near it.
  Following the Spellplague of 1385 DR, creatures that could be found within Mount Hotenow included bloodfire oozes, fire archons, fire bats, fire beetles, galeb duhrs, flamespiders, geonids, magma beasts, salamanders, volcanic dragons, and xorn, while on its slopes could be found elemental weevils.
  Since Neverwinter‘s founding, Mount Hotenow featured in the bedtime stories and urban legends of the city's inhabitants as the home of fire giants, the fearsome red dragon Karrundax, and many other blazing beasts.
  In the Year of Knowledge Unearthed, 1451 DR, a small adventuring party rediscovered the ancient dwarven city of Gauntlgrym beneath the volcano. The party, consisting of Dahlia Sin'felle, Korvin Dor'crae, Valindra Shadowmantle, Athrogate, and Jarlaxle Baenre, made it all the way to the legendary forges. There, the latter two were betrayed by their Thayan allies, with Athrogate hypnotically forced to activate the forge. This briefly awoke the primordial Maegera, who, in a fit of rage, released a burst of energy so powerful that it forced the eruption of the volcano. The resulting earthquake and combination of smoke and lava destroyed much of Neverwinter, killing thousands. The eruption entirely destroyed the settlement of Thundertree.
  Over the next few decades the Cult of Maegera led by the mad fire giant Gommoth emerged within Mount Hotenow, attracting many of its fire-worshiping denizens. Having felt a shared "rapturous awakening" during the volcano's eruption they sought to re-awaken Maegera from her slumber once again.
  In the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, a dwarven expedition led by Vandra Hillborn ventured into Mount Hotenow in hopes of finding an entrance to Gauntlgrym.
  Mount Hotenow had a minor eruption again in the late 1490s DR,[note 1] when Edgin Darvis and Holga Kilgore happened to ride past on their way south to Neverwinter.
  Rumors & Legends
  Throughout recorded history there had been many legends surrounding Mount Hotenow. Some believed that it sat atop a passage to the Nine Hells or a gateway to the Elemental Chaos. Others claimed that it had a secret entrance to Gauntlgrym. Following the Spellplague, in Neverwinter and Helm's Hold, there was an oft-told tale that suggested anyone who dared to enter its caves was to cursed to die in a fire within one year.
  Aliases: Glaurimm
  Region: Crags, Neverwinter Wood
  Races: Undead, dwarves, fire elementals, fire giants, red dragons, duergar
Notable Locations
  The Caverns of Karrundax, the network of caverns and tunnels that wound throughout the mountain, formed around an underground earthmote claimed by the red dragon after which it was named.
  The Charred Woods, the once-vibrant forest that was scorched by the volcano's eruption.
  The Fiery Pit, the chasm within the lowest depths of Mount Hotenow, and the prison of one of the lost Dawn Titans.
  Heartleaf's Garden, a single surviving tree that was tended by the dryad Heartleaf.
  The River of Flame, the flowing river of liquid flame found within the deepest reaches of the mountain.
  Settlements & Structures
  Firecross Bridge, a great bridge that spanned one of the many chasms that wound across the mountain.
  Fireguard Fortress, an old dwarfhold that dated back to the lost realm of Delzoun.
  Notable Inhabitants
  Karrundax, a young red dragon.
  Vandra Hillborn, leader of the dwarven expedition seeking Gauntlgrym in 1479 DR.
  Gommoth, a fire giant and leader of a community of fire creatures who wanted to provoke a more powerful eruption in 1479 DR. Qalthus, an exiled shadar-kai from Xinlenal.


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