Sword Mountains

The Sword Mountains were a range of peaks located on the Sword Coast North.
  With an arc-like shape, the mountains were located northwest of Waterdeep and east of the Mere of Dead Men.[3] Their western slopes led to the Trackless Sea in rolling foothills.   History
  The mountains were home to orcs and trolls, but after the orcs were united by Wund and the Brotherhood of the Scarlet Scourge in the Year of the Red Rain, 927 DR, the orcs drove the trolls out. This was a contributing factor to the Trollwars.
  Uruth Ukrypt's orc horde came out of the mountains to attack Waterdeep in the Year of the Sky Riders, 936 DR, but they were defeated and forced to retreat. They hatched another plan to attack in the Year of the Cold Claws, 940 DR, but this plan was ruined by the gold dragon Palarandusk.
  Due to a raid on Ukrypt's crypt by a human adventuring company called the Dawnbringer Company in the Year of Lathander's Light, 1024 DR, the orcs of the Brotherhood of the Scarlet Scourge formed a horde called the Broken Bone with the intent of destroying Waterdeep. Their plans were once again ruined by a dragon; this time Lhammaruntosz. Still determined to exact their revenge, the orcs formed another horde, calling it the Black Claw, and in the Year of Crimson Magics, 1026 DR they came from the mountains to attack Waterdeep. This attack proved unsuccessful and they were defeated, causing the orcs to lose their unity and plunge into a period of tribal conflict.
  Type: Mountain range
  Region: Sword Coast North
  Races: Orcs, trolls
Mountain Range
Notable Locations
  Hills & Peaks
  Icespire Peak, the tallest peak of the Sword Mountains.
  Mount Galardrym, the peak that was home to the dwarves of Clan Forgebar.
  Mount Sar, the second-most southern of the range's peaks, which was named after a legendary fomorian.
  Mount Helimbrar, the southernmost peak of the mountains was home to the underground stronghold of the Shadow Thief Marune.
  Mountain's Toe mine, a successful gold mine owned by a Neverwintan business consortium.
  Wave Echo Cave, the labyrinthine caverns that housed the fabled Forge of Spells.
  Axeholm, an abandoned dwarven stronghold that was haunted by a banshee.
  Gnomengarde, a minor kingdom of rock gnomes that was located in caves at the base of the mountains.
  Ieirithymbul, another gnomish settlement nestled in the valley of Felrenden.
  Kheldell, a rather small human logging village.
  Icespire Hold, the mountain-top fortress that was claimed as a lair by the young white dragon Cryovain.
  Temple of Abbathor, another site abandoned by the dwarves, later uncovered by a mining excavation.


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