Toblen Stonehill

Toblen Stonehill was the proprietor of the Stonehill Inn in the late 15th century DR.
  Toblen was a young man who was quite short and very friendly. His inn served drinks and food, and offered rooms for rent, and Toblen himself was always happy to pass on gossip he'd heard in his common room.
  Toblen had a wife, Trilena, and a son, Pip. His staff included the barmaid, Elsa.
  He owed a small amount of money to the local banker, Harbin Wester.
  Toblen and his family were originally from Triboar. Their son, Pip, was born in 1484 DR, and a few years later they moved west to Phandalin. Toblen had come to search for mineral wealth, but was not experienced enough to make a career of it. The town had room for an inn, and when the opportunity to open one presented itself, Stonehill took it.
  He disdained the Redbrands, who struck terror into the villagers in 1491 DR. However, he did not take the matter into his own hands as he feared that the brigands would bring much harm to his family. His frustration for the then-townmaster Harbin Wester's inaction toward the ruffians soured their relationship.
  By 1496 DR, Pip was old enough to help run the business. That year, Harbin Wester began seeking ways to leverage Toblen's debts to seize control of the inn.
Basic Information
  Home: Phandalin, Sword Coast North
  Former home(s): Triboar, Dessarin Valley
  Sex: Male
  Race: Human
  Occupation: Innkeeper
  Spouse(s): Trilena Stonehill
  Child(ren): Pip Stonehill


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