Bryn Shander

The first stop for most visitors to Icewind Dale is Bryn Shander, the walled capital perched atop a cold, lonely, wind-lashed hill. The “tenth town” of Ten-Towns, Bryn Shander was the last to be founded and has become the largest. As the official capital of Ten-Towns, it is where the other towns gather to meet with the rest of the world. The lucrative Ten Trail ends in Bryn Shander, and thus most of the region’s trade moves through the city. Bryn Shander is unique among Ten-Towns in that it is not built along one of the region’s lakes. Instead, it is built upon a defensible hill and has served as shelter for citizens of other more vulnerable cities during times of crisis. Known for its welcoming attitude towards visitors, there is no safer place in Icewind Dale to spend coin or spend the night.   Friendliness ***   Services ***   Comfort ***
Alternative Name(s)
The Walled Capitol
Inhabitant Demonym
Bryn Shandarians
Ruling/Owning Rank