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Nefeli Ìchos, The Clouds of Sound (Ne-phe-ly Ick-oz)

While the layers of the Weave, those eternal dimensional planes that make up all of reality, are infinite both in their number and their forms, some of them stand out to the civilised races as particularly fascinating. Foremost of these, excluding the divine realms that house the gods themselves, is Nefeli Ìchos, the Clouds of Sound.   This plane is said to be made of eternal blue skies and clouds of gold, all of them singing their own harmony, that converge in the empty sky between them. In the very center of this plane, for it is by all accounts a great sphere in form, lies a city ruled by a golden dragon known simply as Tone. This city surrounded by an infinitely beautiful and ever-changing harmony, it's buildings made of fine wood and brass, is called Kantus, and it is the ultimate object of attraction for all bards; the place from which their very magic stems. To be invited to Kantus is to be granted immortality, to endlessly hone your craft, and tell the stories of which you sing. It is to be taught at the knee of Tone how to pluck the strings of reality, and to know that one will never truly disappear from the memories of mortals and gods; for occasionally, even the gods themselves invite to their courts the bards of the Clouds of Sound.


If one cannot fly, navigating the Soundclouds is a difficult process. The clouds for which the realm is named are, much like the clouds of Talam, are intangible and do on top of that emit harmonies that tend to become more violent and chaotic the closer they are. Sometimes, unfortunate mages and explorers have indeed fallen into the realm only to be driven insane from the presence of a passing cloud. Other than that, it is of course impossible to navigate at all without the power of flight, since there is only sky.   The one exception is of course Kantus, where one will emerge if one has been invited into The Soundclouds by Tone.
Alternative Name(s)
The Soundclouds
Dimensional plane


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