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The Luckstone Family

Having been active since long before Rapture, some say by centuries, the Most Fortunate Luckstone Family is by far the oldest and most well-respected criminal organisation in all of Ghearas.


The Luckstones are, in practice, several smaller gangs based on family structure, most of which are by blood related to the chief. These smaller gangs send along some money and pay respect to that chief, currently Lucy Luckstone, in exchange for protection and getting to be involved in the business of the greater Luckstone Family.   When decisions affecting most everyone need to be taken, all of these gangs will get together (usually bringing along a few advisors) and talk it out.


The most important thing within the Luckstones is respect, and that it is something to be given freely rather than taken. Even their most stalwart nemesises among the city guard are afforded respect, as long as the recipient is somewhat polite in return. Breaching that respect is the utmost crime, and usually results in something difficult (not simply monetary compensation) being demanded in return; upon failure of that, it usually results in exile.

Public Agenda

They want to be left alone and earn their money, while also protecting the places and people associated with the family.


They have unregistered production of liquors, some ships used for smuggling from the recently opened city, and a great deal of organised gambling locales. All of this, in addition to protection rackets, result in the family earning a great deal of money.


The first recorded mention of the family happened 168 Before Rapture, being a frustrated judicial report concerning the "Luckstones using bribe to get out of charges they've had a long time coming...".   While this is the first recorded mention of them, it is suspected that they'd existed for a great deal longer. Reflecting their Halfling culture, the family themselves have not kept any written records and keep track of everything (both happenings and finances) using trusted and anonymous recordkeepers among them, who take quite serious oaths never to divulge what they learn other than those they have permission to or to the chief of the family.

With Fortune and Respect

Founding Date
At least 170 Before Rapture
Illicit, Gang
Mobsters/Family Members
Notable Members


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