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The Moonlit Halls

No one truly knows from whence the Moonlit Halls came, only that they have always been there to those who know. Exactly who found the Moonlit Halls first is, as one might expect, also secret, but what is known is that they over time became the home to the Guardians of The Hidden Spark, a secretive order of mages who share between them what they learn without the disruption of any government or civilisation.   The Halls themselves are about as well understood as their origin. Wherever in the halls one wishes to go, they end up after a few steps. Whenever someone wishes that they remain hidden, they are seemingly impossible to find. All that can be said about them is that they are consist of a single, seemingly endless, wide corridor of black stone, inlaid with silver in the shape of stars and moons. The same description does not go for the rooms along this great hallway, which all seem to fit the specification of whoever uses them. A well ventilated, sterile laboratory for alchemical use? An oaken library lit by unflickering torches? A circular chamber, made to hold discussions and seminars of magic? Nothing, so far at least, has seemed impossible.   There should also be a last thing mentioned of these Moonlit Halls. Not only do they seem to, as if by magic, fit whatever purpose they are asked for, but they also seem to, simply put, have a mind of their own. When a mage seems to betray their fellows, intending harm or to reveal the Spark to outsiders, the halls reveal these potential traitors. If a would-be mentor abuses and terrorises a student, the halls hides them, and shows them the path to a new teacher. And when a clever youngin of any stripe, by some chance, find their ways to the halls without magic, it is bestowed them; for the Halls themselves seem to recognise greatness.
Great hall


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