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Ukûrum, The Lost (Uh-Kuh-rhum)

Among the oldest of the Golden Cities is Ukûrum, so called The Lost due to a tendency of the dwarven kingdom to seal itself of for decades, if not centuries, during times of turmoil, among them the War of The Claw. Not long after the armies of Voyshka streamed into the valley of the Golden Cities, the Kingdom of Ukûrum held a great council, and decided that it would be in their best interest to retire from the above world, until they knew that they could vanquish the armies of Voyshka or until that threat had by itself disappeared.


The Deep King, or Krâl Ukur in the dwarven language, reigns supreme; something quite unique for the era of the late Golden Cities. Borne by bloodline, the Krâl doesn't need to be a man despite of the masculine association of King/Krâl. The Krâl is simply the sole heir of the previous Krâl, something necessitated by the typical politicking and backstabbing of the Ukûrum court. If there is more than one Krâl, those remaining will be exiled, voluntarily go into exile, or kill each other until only one remains (due to the unkown length of such a conflict, there will be a regency council issued by the previous Krâl should such a situation arise).   The Krâl is ideologically granted their right to the throne by Modhrin, Krâl of The Gods, who ensures that his favoured one is the one to ascend. This gives the Krâl ultimate right over the life and death over their subject, the right to tax and demand riches of their subjects, the right to lead those subjects into war, and the right to impose their will upon the church (seeing as how the will of the Krâl is divine). In practice, the court of Ukûrum is just as fractious, factional, and hard to control as any royal court tends to be, but in the end the Krâl has the judicial, divine, and constitutional right to do whatever they please.   Figures of note serving the King (whose importance depend on the specific era): The Kashez/Grand Acolyte - The person in charge of the Ukûrite church, organising the church's tithe, appointing the individual Kashak, Acolytes, that is those in charge of specific temples, and the one in charge of ordering religious dogma. While the Krâl is the ultimate authority on religion, they usually give the Kashez instructions for what needs to be done and the Kashez does their best to follow those instructions. The Ustak/Master of Arms - The Ustak, similarly to the Kashez, technically fills a role appointed to the Krâl. But seeing as how the Krâl has a whole kingdom to take care of, the Ustak is given responsibility for the city guard, levying armies, the defences of Ukûrum, and is partially responsible for the personal guard of the Krâl (who the Ustak themselves is an honorary member of). The Veznetâr/Master Treasurer - The one in charge of the finances of Ukûrum, organising taxes, advising the Krâl on budgeting, and traditionally the cupbearer of the Krâl. While this is not a role taken often in practice, having the person standing by the side of the Krâl during important dinners be the one who knows the finances of Ukûrum has proven benificial more than once.


Ukûrum is, conservatively, regarded as one of the richest Kingdoms ever to exist. While the only person to know the true extent of those riches is the Veznetâr, and sometimes the Krâl, the functional treasury of Ukûrum is limitless and is only held in check by the Veznetâr collectively having a very good grasp of inflation and deflation economics.


Ukûrum theoretically has a claim to most of the Uzûn mountain range, though that was assumed abandoned back when they shut themselves in, and after Rupture the mountains have not gone unchanged.


There is a law that every family with child must raise their firstborn, or if that child is physically unfit, the one after that, to be able to bear arms in the armies of the Krâl. This means that a substantial part of the population can be raised to war and be made battleready in a very short time. That said, they have very few standing forces, with most of the few existing being the Kelik, or Blades, who are just the city guard.


While no religion is prohibited, the state religion is the Faith of Modhrin, and only followers of the traditional dwarven pantheon can hold public office. A small amount of Gods, such as Magubliyet, the chief of the goblin pantheon.

Foreign Relations

For the last 107 years, no one has heard from the Ukûrum, but theoretically they are on decent footing with Ghearas as they had a strong trade relationship between the War of the Claw and Rapture.

Lords of The Depths, and of it's Wealth

Founding Date
>1000 Before Rapture
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Ukûrites, Deeplings
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Judicial Body
While the Krâl is the ultimate representation of the law, and any case can be pleaded to them, everyday judicial matters are relegated to a series of courts following legal codes set out by the Krâl of old.


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