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Wecken, or Wreck as she is sometimes called, is by any laymans guess as old as the halls she tries to preside over. An ancient, coppery dragonborn, she's the current "leader" of the Hidden Spark, if any one person can be referred to as such. While the Hidden Spark are more of a loose gathering of somewhat like-minded individuals, Wecken is the person they can all agree has the final word. Does a new student have potential? Wecken is a good judge of character. Does someone indulge in questionably dangerous magic? Wecken has the experience to say if it's truly worrisome. And if someone has gone against their order, has betrayed their fellows, then may mercy be upon them for a sorceress as fearsome as the dragons she's descended from shall be their judge.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, but hunched over; sinewy old muscle taut with age. Oddly spry despite having been alive for at least hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Body Features

Straight, spike-like horns portruding from the back of her head, the colour of charcoal. Coppery skin mottled with something resembling oxidised metal. Long, talon-like claws.

Facial Features

Sleek and long, like that of a komodo lizard; loose skin hanging from her neck.


Social Aptitude

Slow, and soft-spoken, preferring to listen, while at the same time capable of intense anger. She is at the same time like lightning, and the metal spike meant to redirect it.
A bright, oxidised green. Shrewd-looking.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Wrinkled, thick dragonhide the colour of half oxidised copper
2.90 m


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