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The Wychmaster of the Wychkeeper holds is not only the military and administrative chief of the Striders and Keepers, but something like an elected leader deciding policy for that solely independent realm of Ghearas, the Wychkeeper Holds.   Other than that, they are also in charge of cooperating and working with the Eleven Stewards of Ghearas, though in practice the wychmaster kan simply ignore them without any real repercussions.


One needs to be a strider, and while typically an older, more experienced strider is chosen there is no technical requirement on length of service or such.


When the old Wychmaster has died, their second in command (appointed by the Wychmaster themselves) takes administrative control while the Striders meet to see who among them volunteer for the vote. They then return to their respective holds, and hold an anonymous vote of ballots. Afterwards, the striders once again congregate- this time with a keeper brought along. These keepers then together count the collective votes, and announce the new Wychmaster.   The Second Wychmaster, that appointed second in command, then hands over the cloak of the Wychmaster to the new one, who then usually holds a speech of some sort in front of the gathered striders and participating keepers. After that, business mostly returns to usual. Some wychmasters already have new edicts to be carried out, some don't.


The Wychmaster is first and foremost in charge of the administrative aspects of the Wychkeeper Holds. Collecting whatever taxes are needed, organising infrastructure, managing trade with Ghearas, etc.; something for which they usually organise some sort of small bureaucracy simply to help manage it.   They are also in charge for leading communication between Striders and organising summits to discuss the goings-ons of the holds, as well as accepting new strider appointments made by the keepers. While the Wychmaster technically has a veto for this election, and can demand a re-election, it is a seldom used power.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If the Wychmaster is seen as corrupt or otherwise unfit for their duty, the striders can organise a vote to remove them (something very similar to the election of the Wychmaster, the main difference being that the striders form a ruling council while the election happens rather than letting their second in command make policy). This has only happened a couple of times in the history of the Wychkeepers, as just the threat of the disgrace it would bring has made Wychmasters act carefully about ignoring or abusing the responsibilities placed upon them.
Alternative Naming
Woodsmaster, Holdsmaster
Source of Authority
Elected by the Wychkeepers
Length of Term
Till they step down, are voted out by the keepers, or die.
Current Holders
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