Part 1 - Guild Deployment in The Forsaken Realm | World Anvil

Part 1 - Guild Deployment

The players, a group of disparate souls with their own tales of tragedy and loss, find themselves drawn together by fate's unyielding hand. Having endured the hardships of a world torn asunder by war and strife, they seek refuge and purpose within the halls of the Adventurer's Guild, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of the Elemental Sphere.

  Tasked with unraveling the mysteries that shroud the Forsaken Realm, the players set out on a quest that will test their courage, strength, and loyalty to the very core. For in the heart of the Forsaken Realm lies the key to unlocking the secrets of the Elemental Sphere, and only by confronting the darkness that lurks within can they hope to bring about a new dawn of hope and redemption.


Scene 1: Arrival in the Forsaken Realm

The players stand in the heart of the Adventurer's Guild, a grand hall filled with the echoes of past triumphs and whispered secrets. Around them, fellow adventurers bustle about, preparing for their next quest or sharing tales of daring escapades.

  Amidst the commotion, Captain Husk approaches the players, a formidable figure with a stern countenance and a weathered cloak billowing behind him. His presence commands respect, his gaze piercing through the veil of uncertainty that hangs in the air.
"Welcome, brave souls," he says, his voice deep and resonant. "You have answered the call of destiny, and together, we shall face the trials that lie ahead."
With a gesture, Captain Husk leads the players to a map spread across a nearby table, its surface marked with cryptic symbols and arcane sigils.
"Our journey begins here,"
Forsaken Realm
The Forsaken Realm, a diverse land drawing energy from the surrounding universes. The Forsaken Realm is the foundation of life and holds the universe together. A motherland of natural resources the realm has been fought over since the beginning of time.
he declares, pointing to a darkened corner of the map where the New Frontier looms ominously. Captain Husk approaches the players with a grave expression, his eyes reflecting the weight of the task ahead.
"My comrades," he begins, his voice tinged with concern, "troubling news has reached our ears from the distant lands of the Forsaken Realm. Our guild's embassy, established on the fringes of the new frontier, has fallen silent. We have received no word from our brethren in weeks, and fear grips our hearts in this situation. An Emergency Dispatch has been declared by the Guild Your mission is clear: travel across the Forsaken Realm, to the frontier where our embassy stands, and uncover the truth behind the silence that shrouds it. Investigate the fate of our comrades and restore communication with the main branch of the Adventurer's Guild!"
As the players prepare to embark on their quest, Captain Husk's gaze lingers upon each of them in turn, a silent promise of camaraderie and determination. "Remember," he says, his voice a steady reassurance in the face of uncertainty,
"together, we are stronger than any darkness that dares to stand in our way. Let us forge our path forward, and may the light guide our way. For your bravery and determination in the face of adversity, the Adventurer's Guild shall reward you with rank and honor befitting heroes of your caliber. Additionally, the knowledge gained from your investigation may hold valuable insights into the mysteries of the Elemental Sphere, furthering your quest for truth and enlightenment."