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Dame Zoraida el Sune

Zoraida Leora Delgado

Zoraida is a human paladin of the deity Sune. Her most defining feature is her lack of natural legs and her incredible skill with large polearms.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zoraida has extreme physical fitness in her upper body and core. She is thin and lean. She doesn't have particularly large muscles, but very dense and effective muscles. Zoraida was born without the lower part of either of her legs. She has semi-functional knees that end in nubs. She can manage to move around but is overall considerably clumsy. She has mechanical legs that she uses to aid her in her everyday needs.

Physical quirks

Zoraida has a very upright posture where she holds her head and chest high. She tends to comb her hands through her hair if she has nothing else to do with her hands. Zoraida is ambidextrous and is equally proficient with both hands. She will often use her right hand for writing but her left hand for combat, but is adept in using both hands for such tasks.

Special abilities

Zoraida can cast some divine spells intermixed with her weapon attacks. In addition, she is able to summon beams of moonlight and a celestial steed (her's of which is named Dandy).

Apparel & Accessories

Zoraida's outfits tend to be very bright and colorful. Grey isn't a color that exists in her apparel. She has plenty of outfits that fit overtop of her armor as well as many that fit well without armor. Her favorite outfit is an asymmetrical rainbow silk dress shirt that has a very long left sleeve that forms into a cape.   She tends to wear lots of gold or colorful jewelry, especially if she knows who crafted the jewelry. Her favorite necklace is actually her divine symbol, a charm necklace that has a silver mirror.

Specialized Equipment

Currently, Zoraida has a specialized enchanted glaive. This glaive is stronger and more accurate than most, in addition to being able to penetrate through resistance to non-magical damage. This glaive has a translucent tip of various colors throughout the rainbow, similar to that of stained glass or gemstone. The edge is incredibly sharp.   Additionally, Zoraida has acquired a brush of styling from the traveling merchants Dipree and Grudthak. This stiff brush, enchanted with minor magics, allow the bristles to both soften for when the hair is wet, and to heat to allow the better plying of styles. A small toggle can be found on the side.   Zoraida has some highly ornate and sophisticated clockwork legs. These metal legs function on the flexing of the muscles in what is left of Zoraida's leg stump. They aren't always particularly accurate, but they are effective enough for daily and combat use.   Zoraida has a hand-carved 10 string rosewood lyre that she calls the heartstrings. She plays it occasionally if she is feeling down or is otherwise board. Whilst this lyre isn't magical in any traditional sense, she finds very strong personal value in it.   Upon her neck lays a charm resembling a small silver mirror with a woman's face and long curling hair on the back. This functions as Zoraidia's holy symbol and the focus on how she channels her divine focus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zoraida was born out of wedlock and deformed. Her mother, not wanting to reveal her betrayal to her husband and furthermore her precedence for birthing incomplete children, she dumped Zoraida on a traveling performer's cart. The performer found Zoraida and took care of her for a few years before dropping her off at Calimport where she lived a hard life as a street entertainer with her lyre.   Being born with no legs, she was seen as an easy target by thieves and thugs trying to find trouble. Out of necessity and self-defense, she learned how to keep people at bay first with long sticks and then with proper weapons like glaives. Due to her low mobility, she also invested in heavy armors that would also give her light, legless body some more stability.   Many years later, a sunite cleric named Amara came over and told her that she was beautiful and could put her mind to anything that she wanted. She helped to move Zoraida to a small street shrine that she worked at where she helped the homeless and slaves of Calimport get what they needed to better themselves. Zoraida played her lyre at that shrine for many years and she learned a lot from Amara. She took inspiration from this selfless act of kindness and decided that she was going to pay forward the kindness to others everywhere that she went.   Zoraida dedicated herself to Sune and to always protect and promote what is beautiful. She became a self-proclaimed paladin of Sune and practiced defending those that needed defending and teaching them how to defend themselves. As she became a more and more seasoned paladin, she was able to summon a celestial horse to her aid. This horse, who claimed that his name was Dandy, greatly enhanced Zoraida's mobility and allowed her to do more for people everywhere.   She became a moble hair stylist, specifically helping those that are homeless. Additionally, she helped those that were once slaves to disguise themselves so that they could escape the city to a safer location. Playing her lyre between jobs, she was able to raise enough money to buy a carriage to hold her things. In this carriage, she took people in and cared for them so that they could have a head start on getting their own life together. She continued to do this for most of her life and continues to do so even as an adventurer.

Gender Identity





Zoraida has had minor training in hair styling and clothing composition. She learned how to do this mostly through experience, but also gained knowledge through some tutors and her religious associates.   Due to the risk of working in Calimport, Zoraida also has taken up training in working with weapons of all kinds. She has specific training in heavy polearms and using them to keep approachers at bay before they can get too close. She has taken a preference to these tactics as she is often low to the ground and finds herself in a disadvantageous position if an enemy gets within close distance.


Zoraida ran a moble salon across Calimport for most of her life, bringing hygienic necessities, divine healing, and styling services to those who couldn't afford such luxuries. She hoped by doing this, those people could more easily find beauty and confidence in oneself. By promoting confidence in others, she hoped that this could encourage them to go out into the world and do what had to be done to get them out of their current situation.

Mental Trauma

Zoraida's phobias mainly revolve around more theoretical concepts. Her main fears are being forgotten, leaving the world a worse place than it was when she arrived in it, or simply missing out. While one may assume she is a germaphobe due to the extensiveness of her hygiene, she doesn't mind it as long as the mess brings joy and laughter.

Intellectual Characteristics

Zoraida is musically talented and knows how to play the Lyre. In addition, she thoroughly enjoys philosophy and art. She isn't always the most logical person, but she likes to pretend that she is. She doesn't know a lot of languages, but she has a large vocabulary in the ones that she does know.

Morality & Philosophy

Zoraida believes that negative emotions like envy, anger, hatred, spite, and distrust can lead to one missing out all the wonderful things in the material plane offers to those that take the time to enjoy it. Because of this, Zoraida is quick to forgive and forget over and over again. Should someone purposely try to bring these emotions onto others, Zoraida will not hesitate to call out that individual on their misdoings and if necessary, find a way to prevent them from doing those acts again.


Not cleaning oneself, intentionally making people feel worse about themselves (including yourself), taking advantage of other people, not showing respect to other people and creatures.

Personality Characteristics


Zoraida aspires to bring cleanliness and beauty to everyone she meets. Not only that but to also help those that need to help to find love in others but most importantly themselves. She wants to allow others to show themselves off in the best way possible and that only they can and to have pride in who they are. Whilst Zoraidia has no specific artistic skills, she wishes to help others flourish in their artistic endeavors to bring beauty and art everywhere so that they may go. Zoraida, above all else, just wants to bring joy to those who bring joy to others.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Zoraida is often way too forgiving. She will sometimes forgive people multiple times for the same mistake.
  • Overzealous – Marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea.
  • Will often sugar-coat things in white lies
  • Tends to be overdramatic about everything.
  • Klutz – Clumsy. Blunderer.
  • Dependent – Unable to exist, sustain oneself, or act appropriately or normally without the assistance or direction of another.
  • Soft-hearted – Having softness or tenderness of heart can lead them into trouble; susceptible to pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering, or in need, and often don’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so.
  • Fanatical – Outlook or behavior especially as exhibited by excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions on some subject.
  • Theatrical – Having a flair for overdramatizing situations, doing things in a ‘big way’ and loving to be ‘center stage’.
  • Vain – Holding, or characterized by, an unduly high opinion of their physical appearance. Lovers of themselves. Conceited, egotistic, narcissistic.

Personality Quirks

When nervous, Zoraida will often spin her holy symbol in her fingers.


Zoraida takes great care in the care, cleaning, and longevity of herself and her equipment.   First thing in the morning, Zoraida wakes up and takes a bath. She uses this time to soak and meditate on her goals for the day, writing it down in her tome. She takes great care in her bathing as she does it ritualistically in honor of her goddess Sune. Once completed, Zoraida brushes her hair, brushes her teeth, and washes her face. She takes time making sure that all of her clothing and equipment is appropriately polished and clean before she puts it onto her body, taking particular care of her metallic legs. Once she has made herself presentable, she makes her way outside to take care of her carriage and horse, Dandy. She then goes outside to brush, wash, and polish the hooves of Dandy until heis satisfied. She then takes time to clean all of his gear such as his armor, saddle, and horseshoes. Upon completion of cleaning are caring for each piece of Dandy's equipment, she places it upon Dandy. At the end of her morning ritual, she cleans and straightens up her carriage. This cleaning ritual finally ends with washing her hands and putting on her gloves and/or gauntlets.   At the end of the day, she repeats this ritual but in reverse. She starts with removing her gauntlets, then washing her hands, and so on and so forth until she finishes with a bath before falling asleep.


Religious Views

Zoraida is a highly religious individual and tries to keep the ideals of Sune in every action that she makes. She also acknowledges and respects their deities and their domains, but primarily dedicates herself to Sune with Lanthander as a close second favorite.   Zoraida has undertaken the Oath of Ancients in honor of her devotion to Sune. The oath is as follows.   Kindle the Light. Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.   Shelter the Light. Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.   Preserve Your Own Light. Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can't preserve it in the world.   Be the Light. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light of your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.   Zoraida keeps her own personal book that she calls "The tome of love" where she keeps her own personal entries reflecting on health tips, good acts seen throughout the day, words of endearment, and goals in the future on how to become a better version of oneself. Whilst this is not an official book of Sune, Zoraida feels like this book brings her closer to Sune and her idea of self-love and care. Every day she lists down five things that she found beautiful within this book. On the first page of the book is the following text.  
Beauty is more than skin deep. It issues from the core of one's being and reveals one's true face to the world, fair or foul. Believe in romance, as true love will win overall. Follow your heart to your true destination. Love none more than yourself except Sune, and lose yourself in love of the Lady Firehair. Perform a loving act each day, and seek to awaken love in others. Respond to love at least once in a day. Encourage beauty wherever you find it. Acquire beautiful items of all sorts, and encourage, sponsor, and protect those who create them. Keep your own body as comely as possible and as attractively displayed as situations warrant. Let hairstyle and clothing best suit your personal appearance, striving to stir and delight others who look upon you. Moreover, hide not away, but always seek to present yourself to those around you in a pleasing variety of garbs and activities so as to move them with love and desire. Love those who respond to your appearance, and let warm friendship and admiration flower where love cannot or dares not.

Social Aptitude

Zoraida is polite and held together when needed, but generally energetic and bubbly by default. She tries to carry the aura of confidence wherever she goes, as well as trying to envoke confidence in others around her.


Zoraida tends to dance a bit if given the space to when she talks. If she doesn't have her legs on when talking, she will instead move around and spin using her arms as crutches. As she gets more and more excited about a topic, she tends to raise her voice more and more until she is nearly shouting.

Hobbies & Pets

One of Zoraida's favorite hobbies is styling hair for other people. She enjoys the puzzle of trying to find what hairstyle suits the individual the best. Over her career, she has gotten quite good at styling people's hair.   Zoraida has a celestial mount in the form of a warhorse. His name is Dandy and likes to be referred to as such. He will refuse to listen if he feels like he is dirty unless it is a critical life or death situation.


Zoraida often used the term "Hun" when referring to close friends, especially in an endearing way. She will try to avoid insulting people unless totally necessary, and even when she does she tries to keep it minimal. Zoraida takes great joy in complimenting others and does so with great ease, even if she needs to lie a little to make people feel better.

Wealth & Financial state

Zoraida is quite wealthy but has difficulty keeping the money that she has earned. She spends a lot of money on luxuries such as clothing and hygiene products. She will store these products in mass in her carriage for other people to use when needed. Otherwise, Zoraida tries to save her money for large luxurious purchases. She has been known to drop a little extra coin on objects than what they are worth, especially if she finds them particularly beautiful or if it is hand-crafted by an individual artist.   Most of Zoraida's wealth isn't in coins but is instead in the things that she puts in her carriage.
Character sheet
Divine Classification
Paladin of Sune
Chaotic good
Year of Birth
1467 DR 25 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born out of wedlock and abandoned on the streets as a deformed child.
golden honey brown, bright
long, shiny, sleek, chocolate-colored, smooth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bronze-colored, clear, healthy, smooth
5'11 with prosthetic legs, 4'4 without
154 lbs with prosthetic legs, 97 lbs without
Known Languages
Common, Celestial

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Character Portrait image: pathfinder. Lalatitia by Kii Weatherton


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