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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim, akin to a dancer or gymnast.

Body Features

Across his body, there are subtly darker blue markings in swirling patterns.

Facial Features

His hair constantly shifts as if rustled by a gentle breeze. His facial features are rather classicly handsome, with a strong jaw and high cheekbones. He does have a certain amount of Elvish delicateness to his features, along with the typical pointed ears.

Identifying Characteristics

A single, softly glowing white crystal appears embedded into his forehead although there is no scarring surrounding it so it appears to be a natural growth.

Physical quirks

A cocky yet charming smirk is ever present on his face, and he makes rather liberal use of hand motions as he speaks. When sitting idle his fingers glide around in small motions, almost as if he is playing his flute in his head.

Apparel & Accessories

His flute is always on him, kept in a small holster on his thigh. He wears well kept and fashionable clothes, everything with a golden trim. A couple of dangling earrings hang from his left ear, one of which features the symbol of Corellon.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Averagely educated for having lived in Silverymoon to middle class parents, Flux took far more interest in developing his musical talent so spent a lot of time bunking off school to learn from various bards around the city.


Spent a few years working as an entertainer in taverns and inns around Silverymoon before making the decision to take his show on the road.

Morality & Philosophy

Albeit his somewhat selfish goal of becoming a famous bard, Flux is a kind and good natured soul. He believes his music makes people happier and takes great pride in this. Since meeting Sendriale, his concept of good has shifted somewhat to fit her more chaotic outlook.

Personality Characteristics


To spread joy with his music. And make some money and earn fame along the way.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very talented musician and performer, composed several of his own songs for his flute that make liberal use of his ability to hold his breath forever.   Not particularly strong, has always struggled with more physical feats of strength.

Likes & Dislikes

Good conversation, learning gossip or secrets about other people.   Talking about his own past, feeling less talented than other musicians

Virtues & Personality perks

A cheerful and charming person, Flux is quite a joy to be around. Always willing to play a song, he can raise the mood in any room he winds up in.

Vices & Personality flaws

Can easily be caught up in a party, finding people to drink copious amounts with and can get distracted by such antics.

Personality Quirks

Fingers constantly shift and dance, as if playing an instrument.


Very clean, constantly makes use of Prestidigitation to clean himself and his clothes.


Contacts & Relations

Various inkeepers and bar owners are aware of him in the area surrounding the High Forest due to his years of travelling the area. Has made various friends and rivals among other musicians.

Religious Views

Prays regularly to Corellon

Social Aptitude

A social butterfly, confident and charming in his speech


Rich and clear toned, his speech is intelligent and persuasive

Wealth & Financial state

Comes from a middle class family, has made enough money to buy himself very nice clothes and instruments.

Charming, Persuasive, Performer

Current Location
The High Forest
View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
10 Eleint, 1466 DR
Current Residence
None, travelling bard
Pale Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue
Known Languages
Common, Elvish

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The Burning Invasion (13/03/2020)

As our aspiring heroes traversed the dangers and mysteries of the High Forest in their quest to investigate the source of the fires ravaging the area they came across a sizeable tree that had clearly been placed there to deter them. Not being ones to back down so easily, Flux used his prowess with magic to call upon the wind itself to aid them; suspending the tree in the air above he cleared the path for hsi fellows and revealed an area thick with smoke. Within the smoke the group could see a humanoid figure setting light to various parts of the forest. Engaging this creature in conversation, they discovered it to be an ancient fey power who held sway over the forest. This Dryad explained that the fires were necessary to the survival and growth of the forest as the tree's in this area use the flames to reproduce. Satisfied with this answer, the group questioned the Dryad about their intentions towards the surrounding area's various towns and villages and after being assured that the Dryad's only focus was the forest itself they left in piece to communicate this to the nearby townspeople to stop anyone else possibly coming into harms way by entering the forest.   After returning to the town, Flux made the townspeople aware of the groups great and heroic deeds. Smiling and playing his flute, he led the town in celebration and had quite the celebration himself with a lovely young man called 'Zeidud Bahran' while the rest of the group recuperated after their day of adventure. Up0n awakening the next morning, the party received a summons by one 'Captain Harrowleaf' of the Loudwater Guard. Deciding to honour the summons, the group went and informed the captain of their activities within the forest and made sure he was aware of the danger being restricted to the forest itself. Congratulating the group on a job well done, he invited them to the Tavern with him where they could discuss other issues that they could possibly assist him with: mentioning the local groups of gnolls, goblins and Malarites as particlar points of interest. Part way through these discussions however there was a violent incursion of a goblin warband! Our heroes bravely stepped up to the mark and defended Loudwater swiftly from this incursion and now stand ready to avenge those fallen due to this event...

The Gathering (06/03/2020)
5th of Uktar, 1492 DR

A motley group of oddities assembled in the Green Tankard Tavern in Loudwater. A disowned nobleman by the name of Acwellen sat alone, having come into town as a Caravan Guard protecting one of the many merchants making their way into the town to prepare for the Festival in a tenday's time. Enjoying the masterpiece of musical talent being showcased in the tavern that day, Acwellen was approached by a curious and slightly hyper Aarokocra who asked for his assistance with investigating a possible problem within the nearby High Forest. The large humanoid bird spoke of how the animals in the forest appeared to be fleeing from the woods and that his tribe, native to and living within the forest, were highly concerned by this. As they discussed this, they were both momentarily distracted by the dramatic end to the musical entertainment, as the most handsome and talented bard to have ever lived finished his set. After collecting some wine to celebrate yet another wonderful performance and gaining a companion in the form of the hulking mass of metal known as Sp-EnCER, the taverns Warforged waiter/bouncer; the maestro Flux made his way to their table. Greeting Acwellen as an old friend, the two having met some months ago in their travels around the area, Flux introduced himself to his new bird friend Asha and became enamoured with her request for help. With Sp-EnCER also showing a willingness to give any help he could, the group started to talk business until they were rudely interrupted by Sendriale, Flux's groupie who's bubbly nature and highly attractive physical form gains him no end of trouble. After surviving several of Sendriale's chaotic hijincks, the group established that they would make their way into the forest the day after. Acwellen, Asha and Sp-EnCER left the tavern to see what supplies and such they could acquire from the towns stores while Sendriale whittled her afternoon away frolicking with a young Guardsmen of the Town. Flux of course blessed the tavern once more with his elegant musical talents, entertaining the masses and brightening their day substantially.   After a while however, the group was made aware of large amounts of animals fleeing the forest en masse. Smoke was also seen billowing from above the tree's as the Guardsmen begged for Adventurers to come to their aid! The group gathered and bravely volunteered to investigate this awful occurence, putting their lives on the line quite selflessly. As they traveled the perilous depths of the forest, they came across Sentient Plantlife. Using their diplomatic skill, our kind heroes persuaded these creatures to let them pass so they could find what was ailing this beautiful landscape. But now, our heroes face more danger with every step they take towards this roaring blaze...