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Sendriale (a.k.a. Sendi)

Sendriale, is an Eladrin elf from Evermeet, which is mirrored in the Prime Material Plane by one of the smaller islands near shore im the trackless sea.   Having fallen in love with a female Archfey that calls herself Mocha that she's met exploring her own homelands, she's quickly allowed herself to be lulled into accepting a pact with said Archfey, and while the patron on a surface level never demanded a thing that would go against Sendriale's beliefs, Mocha, over the years, did end up asking her more and more capriciously weird favors, blurring Sendriale's understanding of right and wrong a bit (Seelie Archfey, technically good aligned, but in the emd, always chaotic and capricious). And thus, as a means to sow some precious chaos in the Prime Material Plane, she's sent Sendriale, who she refers to as 'her little trickster' through a fey crossing, to mess with whatever evil people she finds in the prime, and to get some downtrodden sweethearts to find comfort with Mocha (who totally just wants more warlocks to make use of).   As such, she's spent the recent years as a Charlatan, tricking malicious people out of hard earnt coin, and trying to lure those she finds good fits for her patron in as potential new subjects of Mochas.   In Loudwater, just south of the High Forest, she met Phoenix's character Flux, who she quickly partnered up with, causing for the two to develop a Bonnie & Clyde-esque lifestyle, swindling assholes, and enjoying life in all its ways.   Later on, the duo gets to know Acwellen, who, after they initially targeted the former noble, they realized didn't fall into their target scheme. They went separate ways with the disowned nobleman in friendly acquaintanceship, and while they initially thought that was it, he would end up calling them to ask for help.....

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sendriale, given her elven heritage, is of an overall lean build.

Body Features

Sendriale is smooth and soft of skin, and looks rather delicate. Even then, she does have bodily proportions around both her chest and hip portions that give no doubt about her being female, even with the often androgynous builds that elves are known for.

Facial Features

Sendriale has almond-shaped eyes, with Jade green irises, pale white skin, and the usual elven ears.

Identifying Characteristics

As an Eladrin-Elf, the most identifying feature about her is the few leaf-like strands in her otherwise blond hair, which change in color depending on her represented season. Generally, she is most often seen with a cherry-blossom like rose-color, to represent her true affiliation, the season of Spring.

Special abilities

All of these descriptions, truly, don't end up meaning much, given that with her ability to disguise her physique under illusory cover, fake any voice she's heard, not to mention change her actual sex over the course of a night, make it based on chance to even get a glimpse of her in her real form.

Apparel & Accessories

Her most prized accessory is an earring made from a fusion of a thorned branch and an emerald gem, a gift given to her by her beloved patron, Mocha.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to an Eladrin couple in Evermeet, Sendriale, as a blessed of Corellon, was always being treated as a little princess of elvenkind, a good omen - something she immediately let get to her head, abusing her social status as the miracle child to get away with many, many mischievous jokes and pranks, which many of the feywilds' good, but capricious beings, like pixies, got her to commit. She soon fell in love with the act of pranking people, in funny ways when she liked them, in malicious ways when she didn't.

That, soon after she grew an adult, caught the attention of Mocha, a lower Fey Noblewoman that invited her to court, and immediately caught the free-spirited Eladrin's eye and heart alike. After many, many years of a passionate relationship, both carnally and emotionally, the Archfey bestowed upon her the abilities of a Warlock, asking in turn for her beloved to do a deed for her - to travel to the Prime Material Plane, and to, in her name, find followers for her, and to spread Chaos among the unsavory kind of people she'd come across while she was at it. Sendriale agreed, and so was sent through the next Fey Crossing that opened, which lead into the High Forest. That was five years ago.

Coincidentally it was south of the forest, in Loudwater, that she met Flux, a Genasi of unparalleled charm, that ended up catching her interest, too. Getting into cahoots with him, they soon partnered up, both as con artists, and within the boundaries of a rather carnal relationship. Together, they encountered a disowned nobleman, whom they initially attempted to shortchange, although they thought better of it when they eventually realized the true nature behind this man.

This very man, should soon attempt to find the duo, in hopes they can help him....

Gender Identity

While she primarily identifies as female, and is primarily in a female body, as a blessed of Corellon, she enjoys to 'experience the other side' from time to time. While she accepts the concept of Gender identity, to her, when it comes to herself, given the nature of her being, Sex and Gender are one. Thus she does indeed identify as male whenever she ends up swapping over to a male body.


Sendriale is an almost nymphomanic pansexual, although with a slight preference towards women, a bias stemming from her relationship with Mocha. That said, if there's ever a pretty face that responds well to her advances and isn't attached to a douchebag, she's not one to turn down a bit of carnal activity.


Sendriale, while not uneducated, given that she has grown up in one of the few elven cities within the feywild, has never been too grand a student, having prefered to spend her time messing around.

As such, she is smart in a streetwise way, not so much in a scholarly way.


Sendriale is a self-employed con artist, working with her partner Flux, to great success!

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sendriale's currently greatest achievement is the fact that she ended up becoming the lover of an Archfey. As pretty as Flux is, he cannot even mildly compare to the beauty and fierceness of her one true love.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her biggest failure was when she tried to con her first nobleman, taking on the appearance of a random woman she's seen on the street. Well, the woman turned out being the man's wife, which immediately blew her cover!

Mental Trauma

Not a mental trauma, really, but Sendriale often feels very, very lovesick for Mocha, and during those times, can be seen staring off into the distance longingly for days on end.

Morality & Philosophy

Sendriale believes in freedom in all forms. Freedom of expression, freedom of love, freedom to believe and act in whatever manner one sees fit. To her, social constructs that bind and dictate one's behaviour are chains, chains that limit the potential of who someone can be, of what they can experience.


Sendriale really only has one big tabboo, outside of things that go against her love for freedom - Do not, ever, truly harm a good person in a malicious manner. To her, pranks and cons are meant to punish assholes, and to bring joy to good and kind folk.

Personality Characteristics


Her Motivation in life comes from her love for freedom and new experiences, her love for mischief, and from her love to Mocha. She wants to leave chaos in her wake, in joyful ways as well as malicious ways, depending on who were to receive it. However, as someone always looking for new experiences, that alone is enough for her to answer a call to adventure....

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sendriale is an incredible actor, capable to imitate the identity of just about anyone she ever meets, and capable of inventing an entirely new identity on the fly as needed. Plus, she has quite the silver tongue, able to trick, seduce, or otherwise persuade many a person she meets on her path.   Her biggest ineptitude lies in her lack of Strength. When it comes to climbing, or to otherwise exerting physical force, she is easily overwhelmed and outclassed - making it crucial to her to solve things in a social, or at least otherwise cunning way, rather than with brute force.

Likes & Dislikes

Sendriale is an absolute sucker for poets, people with pretty faces, people that enjoy a good flirt. She loves sweets, colorful things, flowers, dancing, and music.   Sendriale absolutely hates people that treat others poorly just because of a difference in social status. To her, these kinds of social constructs are useless. People are people, and those that exert social or economical force to oppress others are best kicked to the curb entirely, or at least brought down a peg or two.

Virtues & Personality perks

Sendriale's biggest Virtue is her sense of the justice that lies within the concept of freedom. One can be assured of her loyalty once it comes to punishing tyrannical folk.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sendri's biggest flaw is the fact that she just can't keep it in her pants. The moment she sees a pretty face attached to a nice person, she immediately has to pursue it, often forgetting even the con at hand for it. Flux commonly jokes that she'll probably end up getting killed coming across a succubus.

Personality Quirks

Her biggest quirk is associated to her flaw - she is an aggressive flirt, and often, even when she just tries to be friendly, at least as herself, ends up getting way too close into someone's personal sphere.


Sendriale takes a lot of value in her physical hygiene and appearance, always dressed nicely, and always bathed whenever she gets the chance.

Professional Bullshitter, ready for action!

Current Location
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Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
23rd of Kythorn, 1357 DR
Current Residence
Primarily Female
Ocean Blue
Golden, with streaks of Rose
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"It's gonna take me a single night's sleep for me to have twice the man of what your little prick's little prick is! So just you wait, and I'll mansplain right back at you, asshole!"
Known Languages
While she speaks the obvious languages for an Elf, Common and Elvish, the fact that she's an Eladrin that grew up in the feywild makes it quite expected that her primarily spoken language be Sylvan, the tongue of Nature Spirits.

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